

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Stamping time for me.....

Coffee of the Day - Seattle's Best Cinnabon

Good morning! no snow..... so I'm a bit downtrodden..... feeling a bit more like Eeyore than Tigger....... but we will muddle on because that is what Poohs do best here in the Hundred Acre Woods......
(side note - because it was Homecoming week at the HS - Thursday was costume day - Ryan actually went as Tigger - waaaay tooooo funny!!! the little voice box in his costume kept going off in classes all day long! giggles!)

I love my DTs. I really love the people I work with and for. I enjoy the designs and artwork. But sometimes I just need to create for me. I just need to be able to make something that doesn't follow a sketch or color scheme or use a particular image or stamp. It takes me back to why I do this papercrafting in the first place. Why I would still be sitting at that table in my chair with no rushing left in the seat, barely holding on, save for the VERY thin pillow I sits myself upon if all of the DTs went away & the world outside my door went away. So that is what today's post is all about.

I came across this wonderful digi the other day. It is from Paper Gardens. I wanted to use some new K & Co. sheets that I had picked up. These all just seemed to go together. I added in some vintage buttons and leaves punched with a Martha Stewart punch; trim from my ever faithfuul JoAnn's trim dept. and that does it. Even David stopped by twice to tell me he thought it was beautiful. He doesn't use that word often with my cards.

It has been a rough week. I have a new infection I picked up last Sunday after going to church for the first time in ages. When I went to the dr., he said that this is pretty much the way life is going to be for me from now on - I have no immunities anymore, so I will get sick every time I go out and am around people. And with this new disease I have, I will be getting lots of new infections anyway. So it's been difficult coming to terms with all of that. But gosh, I can't just live my life in a bubble, never experiencing anything anymore. Never going anywhere anymore.

So I figure we all take a chance every single day. And I do not walk alone anywhere I go - God walks with me. He is my protector. and if I get sick, oh well. I get sick. But I will not give in. But I will continue to stamp, even though David wants me to quit. I have to. It helps me to deal with everything. And it is my outlet. And it is my small act of worship to a God who has never once left my side. nor will He.

love to you all! Jennifer


Stef H said...

oh my word! this is absolutely gorgeous! i just love that image and the soft muted colors you used. it's absolutely gorgeous!

you're a trooper jen, and such an inspiration to us - well to me anyway. and you will ALWAYS be in my prayers.


Lauri said...

That is gorgeous! and as usual, your approach to life amazes and inspires me! Take life one day at a time!

csroyal said...

Super card, Jen! I totallllly get the need to create for yourself and not DT's.... Every now and then I just put a halt to the DT work and sneak one in just for the heck of it.

Great post. Do the best you can to stay as well as you can, but do continue to live!

Leigh Ann Baird said...

Jennifer, every day is a gift and you are right that you can't live your life in a bubble. But if you decided to live in a bubble, you have the internet and can order lots of stamp goodies and have them delivered. LOL

This morning my 5yo asked if she could have ice cream for breakfast and I said, "Why not, it's Saturday! Life is too short and it's ok to eat ice cream for breakfast every now and then." I have to tell you that she ate a few bites and said she couldn't eat anymore and that ice cream for breakfast is not so good. LOL

Take care and have a wonderful Saturday! I'm enjoying my homemade Starbucks today.

Boni Boutelle-Jones said...

Girl you are more beautiful than any card you create! Although I do like this one a lot LOL!

Hang in there and know that you are not in a bubble you are in a very special world of women who love each other without conditions and are here to inspire, bolster and support each other - sight unseen. Just the kind of relation that God wants you to appreciate!!

You are very special, Lady, and I have enjoyed getting to know, play and enable you along the way!! LOL

The Wired Angel said...

Jennifer... everyone who has commented has said such wonderful things that I am at a loss. I want to 'ditto' everything that's already been said... you are just one terrific lady and quite an inspiration to the rest of us.

Yes, David is right.. your card is beautiful.. and so are you. Hugs, Peggy

Sara said...

It's beautiful Jen! Love all the little touches. Take care of yourself!

Anita said...

Your card is beautiful! I know about living life in a bubble. Your thoughts are encouraging to go out and enjoy life with God at our side. You are in my prayers.

Unknown said...

Lovely card, Jennifer.
A wise friend told me that if we are truly following Jesus, then He gets to our problem before we do and He is already there to guide us through it. Hang in there and know that He has you in His hands.

Angie Williams said...

This is a gorgeous card.

Sorry to hear about the infection and that it is to be part of the norm for you. It must be hard to take in. Stay strong!

Cheri said...

Great Card! Amazing! Fabulous!

Darlene said...

Well I must say I can see GREAT FEELINGS in this creation! It's as though you really poured ALL your feelings of today into this card! Well done! Hang in there my friend ... and remember we are here for you ... ANY TIME DAY OR NIGHT!!! And, since I'm not all that far away ... I will be coming to YOU very shortly. Now that I have GPS ... I shouldn't have a problem finding you. With DH going through this stem cell transplant in the spring ... I'm well educated on the "no immune system" thing and totally understand how you must feel!! But you have a great attitude and faith ... hang on to that!! See you soon ... talk to you even sooner, lol!

Pat (mspfd) said...

OMG, this is gorgeous! It caught my eye as soon as I opened the page. I love vintage and this image is fabulous. Your papers, lace and other details are perfections! Have a great day and feel better!!

MiamiKel said...

Oh Jennifer, what a beautiful post - and you are right, He always walks with us. Such lovely cards you are making and if it helps, by all means, keep onward! :)

Unknown said...

David is right! It's beautiful! As far as the other stuff....well, just leave it in the SFJTDB (something for Jesus to do box).