I want to thank all of you who have stopped by so far on the Jen's Sunshine Blog Hop! it has truly been just flat out overwhelming the love and kindness that has been poured out upon my family & myself by all of you! Thank you for everything!
The hop will continue through Tuesday, Sept, 4, so it is going to stay at the top of my blog until then. Prizes will be announced on Friday, Sept. 7. I KNOW all of you are excited about that! :)
I am still working my way through the hop. I hope to finish leaving comments by this evening. It's pretty emotional for me. I laugh, I cry (boy, do I ever cry on some of these posts.....), and I smile so so so big at every single stop along the way! then I have emails that come in, too, and I want to answer them all. Several of you have made donations, and we appreciate every penny. I will try to thank you all individually when I get the chance, but know that your generosity has made such a difference for us.
I can't stay on the compy for long periods of time until my poor wonky head just gives out and I'm exhausted. by 7pm last night you coulda put a fork in me - I was DONE! I went straight to bed and didn't wake up until after 7:45am this morning when the dogs were ready to go outside. I probably would have kept on sleeping, but they don't take 'no, I'm still tired' as an answer! grins!

Today hubby and I celebrate 26 years of marriage. whew! Poor guy.... I sure have put him through the wringer! I think back to last year on this day when we celebrated 25 years and went out for a nice dinner. who would have ever thought of the changes we would go through from one year to the next. But he has stayed by my side, and that says so much about him. God truly blessed me the day He brought David into my life!
poor guy just shakes his head every time I tell him that he is my hunny bunny and that is what I call him on my blog..... see, he really does put up with a lot! ;)