I think that this is my most prized blog award ever! It was given to me by my dear friend, Edith of Come..... Walk with Me. She is a most amazing woman and one I feel honored to call 'friend'. I don't know how many of you have seen the blog badge that I have had for a while for the site 'Women to Women Sharing Jesus'. This is a beautiful site that truly uplifts me on a weekly basis by providing deep, thoughtful, spirit-lifting devotions to both inspire and challenge. Guest writers often come in to share their insights, and Edith was one of those gifted writers! What a wonderful devotion she had to share! The Exalting Christ blog award is given to bloggers who consistently exalt the name of Christ on their blogs. What a joy to see crafters blend their passion for Christ and papercrafting. This award is given to bloggers who share Christ through their posts or through the design of their artwork. We are commanded in Scripture to be "salt and light" sharing the Good News of Jesus no matter where we are (Matthew 5:13-16). This award is just a way members of Women to Women: Sharing Jesus can say thanks for exalting Christ with us! Rules:
1. Post the blog award in a regular post on your blog with the explanation, including the original link to WTW and the rules for passing the award along
2. Name five people (more or less is fine!) to whom you want to offer this award and link to their blogs. The blogs need to obviously exalt Christ in some manner.
3. Contact the bloggers you have named to let them know they can pick up their blog award from you.
4. Invite them to permanently display the WTW blog badge and/or the award on their blogs. The badge can be obtained on the
WTW site.
I would like to present the award to the following people:
Karen from Karen's EscapeLori from Make a Differencethese women don't just say that they are Christians and leave it at that - they talk about their faith on their blogs. They mention the ups and downs of life as a Christian and how hard it is to hold on sometimes, but yet still get down on their knees and praise Him through both the storms and sunshine. and I think that is pretty cool! :)
I am still creating just can't post some of the things since they are for the Digiments Grand Opening next week on May 13! Will try to make a few things to share on my blog - God has really laid a verse on my heart in the past week that I need to get on a card. Hope you have a glorious day! May you have sunshine in your heart even if it isn't outside your window! :) Love ya!
p.s. How could I forget this - run over to the Digiments site right now for a freebie sentiment and contest!!!!!!!! hurry! it's a really cool deal-ie-o!
Jennifer, thank you so much. I am truly honored by the award and your kind words. I will post it to my blog in the next couple of days.
Jennifer... I'm humbled. Thank you for mentioning me. I will post on my blog with Divine Design on Saturday. You are a sweet blog friend. I hope that our paths cross one day. You are the best.
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