God has really been putting this verse on my heart lately - I mean a LOT!!! so I knew that it was time to make a card using it: Psalms 46:10 "Be Still and Know that I am God." So often life gets busy and we (I) don't slow down enough to REALLY listen to the still small voice of a mighty God who has such an amazing love for each one of us. So He has been reminding me to get to some quiet moments that I give completely to Him. Not just slowing down or getting quiet, but really giving the time to Him to listen to all that He has to say to me. and gosh, what wonderful times we have together when I do this!!!! :) I pray the same for each of you! Listen for His gentle voice calling out to you. It's like listening for a butterfly - you may not hear it the first time until you totally clear yourself of all distractions. and then you will never again be the same! :D
The card uses more of the K & Co. Que Sera Sera
papers and the retired SU! set Long Time Friend. This is such a beautiful set. The verse is SU! as well. All buttons, and yes there are a ton of them!, are vintage Etsy finds. The trim is from Jo Ann's. baby flower is a little one from Prima that I added a bead to. Card didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it to, but it ends up being perfect for a thank you that hubby needs tomorrow for someone coming out to Camp. The ribbon on the tag is long organdy and heat set to help age it. But I cropped the photo some which ended up cutting off the pretty tail. wish you could see it irl!

Have a beautiful evening!
Beautiful Scripture and card! Thanks for inspiring me today (:
Very sweet sentiments Jennifer! Congrats on the DT!! I'm loving the giraffe below!
This turned out so pretty! I love the tag as part of the card, and your gorgeous ribbon and buttons. Very pretty, with a great message, too!
This is really lovely!
One of my favorite scriptures, and does cards ever turn out the way you thought they would :), but this is pretty anyway.
No coffee?? Are you ok? LOL
Your card is gorgeous as usual!
wow Jen... the card is amazing! I love that verse - it's one that comes back to remind me over & over & over again to quit doing and just 'be' for a spell....
often we have to 'be still' for a little while before our ears tune in to that quiet voice... but you're right - when we take the time, we're never the same again.
thanks for the reminder...
Very pretty Jennifer, love the buttons!
What’s this coffee thing about? - - are those what you have every day or just random flavors….? This is a great card…love the angles….and that ribbon is fantastic. I am a big fan of buttons on cards…just think it makes it look so homemade-y - LOL
That is one of my fave verses....every time I see it and read it I feel so loved. That he is so big and so many times I feel so insignificant but he doesn't see me that way :)
very pretty, I love all the buttons! great verse to remind me of, I tend to go go go until I am forced to be still.
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