card to post just yet as I wanted to share a few family photos with all of you. The first of these are Tyler and his date, Rachel, at Prom last night. Don't they look so nice?! They went with a big group of friends on a party bus that they rented and then to After-Prom back at the High School following the dinner & dance.
Breakfast at Waffle House followed. Tyler was excited because he won a Pitts Steelers blanket in addition to some work-out equipment at After-Prom. I was cringing as he showed it me, because being the proper southern gal that I am, I'm a big Dallas Cowboy fan, but dear hubby David has corrupted the boys and they all cheer for the Steelers. my poor dear Daddy is rolling over in his grave at my crucial error in raising these boys that they are Steelers fans. I am so very sorry, Daddy. I really tried! But they do root for the Texas Longhorns! I promise! hook 'em!

next photo is from the trip David and the boys took to Raccoon Creek park in PA. Tyler and Ryan (our youngest) are in a movie at school and Tyler needed to be 'scruffy' for his part. These photos are taken prior to mom and dad insisting that he get his hair cut and shave his beard for a job interview for the summer. They had a great time at the park. Too bad weather didn't co-operate so that they could stay for a few days as they had originally planned.

Next I am the blessed recipient of this cool blog award from Sue over at Sue's Sentiments. I am supposed to pass it along to 7 people, but have decided to increase that number to 9 - my new peeps on the Digiments Design Team. Please click on the links on the sidebar to see their great blogs! I am truly humbled to be in the midst of such amazing talent. (I think Michelle made a wee mistake by putting me in the midst of these ladies, but shhhhhhh...... don't tell! wink, wink!) 

the rules for receiving this award:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. On your blog, link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs you’ve nominated
Jennifer, thanks so much for the award! What in the world are you talking about??? You possess some great talent, girl! This is the reason why Michelle chose you!!!
I am honored to work with you side by side. I am so excited to work with all of the members of the Digiments team - everyone has a unique style, talent and creativity! Look forward to seeing all of your fab creations!
Hugs, Alma =)
Great prom pics! Your son and his date looked good together. My hubby and I were supposed to be escorts for Prom this year, but the school never really confirmed the date so we made plans of our own. I can't even remember when I was that young! I stopped counting the years after I turned 21 - tee hee!
Alma =)
Great pictures of your son and his date.. cute couple!
Also, congrats again on making the design team.. you go girl!!
My brother is a huge Steelers fan. And being a Bengals fan myself, I can't stand the Stinky Steelers!!! ugh. Thanks for the award, and I look forward to working with you. And I can say from looking at your blog that you are very talented, indeed!
Very handsome boys you have there!
Jennifer thanks for the award. I am super excited to be working with you over at digiments! I am looking forward to seeing what we all create in the next 3 months! This is going to be a lot of fun!
Such wonderful pics...everyone looks spectacular! Congrats on the award, you deserve it.
CONGRATS on the award, and the pictures are beautiful.
I love the prom pics! What a cute couple!!!
And a huge congrats on your award. :-)
What a handsome boys you have. Love the pics. Congrats on making the design team!
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