

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Going to be gone for a little bit.........

Just wanted to let all of you know, that I am taking a wee break per doctor's orders. Rather than be in the hospital, I am 'enjoying a restful vacation at home lying in bed all day sipping the elixir also known as Gatorade, being waited on hand and foot by my adoring family as cool breezes from the lake cause the curtains to flutter while birds twitter from their nearby nests.' Sounds better than, 'you are stuck in bed' doesn't it?!?! ;) But really, I don't know how long I'll be out of commision, as it depends upon the tests that the dr. ran yesterday and whether or not I start improving.

Just trying to keep you in the loop. of course it's a loop made of pretty ribbons! :)
enjoy your wonderful weekend! love ya bunches!


mel m. m. mccarthy said...

Thinkin about you and hoping your lovely Gatorade vacation doesn't last TOO long. All kidding aside, I hope you're well soon. It's no fun to be down & out when you'd rather be crafting up a storm! ;O) Sending you get well hugs, :O) mel

Becky said...

I do hope that you get lots of rest and get better soon. I will remember you in prayer.

Jess said...

Feel better soon!

Becca said...

Well, you have a great attitude! I hope everything will be well for you!

Becky said...

I do pray all will go well for you. Hurry and get better. Hugs :)

Leigh Ann Baird said...

Wishing you a speedy Get Well!

Dru said...

Hi Jennifer, sorry to hear you're down again. Rest and know that you are constantly in my thoughts.

Unknown said...

Prayers and (((Hugs))) to for you!
May God show you the silver lining!

Kerri said...

Praying that you feel better soon : ( Take care of yourself!

specialcraftmom4 said...

I will be thinking and praying for you (:

Unknown said...

You are in my prayers! Get well soon, we are missing you.

thinker said...

aw.... that's not fun :( sorry to hear that you have to take some time... will look forward to when you can be back :) and praying that it won't be very long...

Sara said...

Oh Jennifer, hope you feel better soon!!!

The Wired Angel said...

Jennifer - get lots of rest and get better. 'Sorry you aren't feeling up to par.

Carmen said...

Jennifer I will pray for a fast recovery. Take care of yourself. :)

Gina Lindsay said...

Jennifer, praying that you are soon feeling better and back to doing the things you love.

Jen said...

Hope you are starting to feel better...being down is never fun but at least you have a good attitude about it.

Dru said...

Hey Jen, just stopping by to say Hi again, hope you're feeling better soon!!

Lesly said...

So sorry to hear that you're not feeling so good. Enjoy your down time as much as you can and get well soon.

Me Myself and I-N-K said...

Hi Jennifer...hope you are feeling better and got some well needed rest. No fun not to be doing any stamping/crafting - LOL! Get back up on your feet soon! We miss you!

Alma =)

Unknown said...

Hey girlie how are you? Not a peep yet! I pray you are okay!

Katy Myhre said...

Hope you get better soon! That sure does sound better than being stuck in bed, but it make me jealous the way you put it. :) Take it easy!

Unknown said...

hope you feel better soon :)
Get well ;)

Amy J said...

Oooo, can I come join you and be your nurse? That sounds so relaxing! Take good care of yourself!

Dru said...

Hi Jen, just stopping by. Hope you're feeling better. Miss you!

Becky said...

Just checking in on you to see if you are alright,and to let you know I am thinking of you. :) hugs

Savor the Journey said...

Get well soon!
Congratulations on your appointment to the Angels Landing DTeam!
Oh yes ... but still follow the Dr's orders. ;)