I bet you didn't know that Uncle Fester from The Adams Family is STILL alive and well..... yep, lives here in a little village in northeast Ohio.... just look at this wonky photo and tell me I don't look just like him! ;) dark shadows under my eyes and all! ha! oh my gosh, it's a good thing I was never a raving beauty, because I would be going through some kind of an identity crisis about now, dear friends. thankfully the sores on my head and body aren't showing in this photo. probably because it's not a fab photo to begin with since I took it with my phone, but I did want to show you what I look like these days.
my goodness, I had no idea just how warm hair actually keeps a head. I find I'm constantly reaching for my winter hats because my head gets sooooooo cold. David thinks I look like Ripley from the Alien movie series. guess I need to start working out with the weights now.... yeah, that made me giggle, too! ;)
now don't fall off of your seats or anything, but I am actually going to have some papercraft projects to show you in a few days! shut the door - I know!!!!! isn't that cool?! I've really truly been up to doing a spot of crafting these past few days. nothing earth shattering, but hey, I'm tickled pea green to just get back to my craft table!
Going to put together a box of cards to take to my next chemo appt. People bring in hats, pillows, blankets, etc. that they have made to share with everyone. There is no charge for any of it - it's all free to anyone going through chemo treatments. My oncology nurse is also a papercrafter, so I asked her if I could bring in some cards to share. There isn't anything like that there. I thought about it after remembering the big promotion SCS does every Oct. for MD Anderson. She was thrilled, since she has been asking to see some of my cards from the first time I started going. I am so happy to be able to share my cards with people who will hopefully enjoy them. I give most of them away anyhow, so this is perfect.
All of you have a most wonderful afternoon and weekend! Remember to watch for that sun and listen for those birds! :)
Striking resemblance Jennifer. LOL. Ticked pea green....now I have to use that phrase...LOVE IT! So happy to hear you are doing well and can't wait to see the cards you make to take with you!!!
Congrats on your win, too btw
Jessica S
Hey honey,
So glad to see you are still so bright and cheerful, you are a truly remarkable person with such spirit, I really do admire you.
My hubby has been bald since he was young and he pretty much always wear a warm hat as his head gets cold.
Looking forward to seeing your projects and its great that you are crafting again.
Lots of love to you my very beautiful friend.
Mandy xxx
I have arrived at your blog via your friend Joan. She seems such a nice lady. I am writing to tell you that you have a supporter in San Diego, CA sending you healing thoughts as you go on this journey. Papercrafters unite!
Nah.....it was the fireplace growin' out of your head that made me giggle...haaaa!
So glad you feel up to a little light craftin', and your creations are bound to lift spirits....way to go, girlie!
Oh Jen, sweetie this post made me howl with laughter!! Your photo, and you said it first darling does indeed look like Uncle Fester although the dark circles are not quite as dark as his. As for Ripley from Alien - well I hope you hit him where it hurt Hun. LOL.
I hope above everything that I have your outlook and positive attitude if ever I am faced with Breast Cancer.
My very best wishes and biggest hugs
Dawn xxxxx
Well Jennifer, You may be missing your locks but you've got one amazing smile! The kind that makes your eyes twinkle! So glad that you are able to enjoy some crafting time and to be able to share your creations with others! Hugs!
I think you have a beautiful head!! You are amazing to be able to give us a big smile. Glad you were able to stamp. If you go to my blog, I have a Jellypark card on there today. I pray for you every day. Hugs!
Oh Jen you are beautiful! :) What a great idea about the cards.... hmmmm.... lightbulbs going off in my head... ;)
You're looking great - especially the big smile! It's so generous to share your skills with others. I'm sure they'll love the cards.
It's an uncanny resemblance. Lol. It's good to still see you smiling.
I think they'll be thrilled to have your cards there. What a great idea.
I can't wait to see your new creations.
Jenn, you are one incredible woman! Your faith & love around you is immense & will take you thru all of this!
I love that you've got back to your crafting, even for a little bit - looking forward to seeing what you create...
Prayers & hugs,
(fellow TSB DT)
Jenn - me again... check out this piece of artwork - I think you'll love it...
Sandy S
Oh Jen! You are always so positive and cheerful!!! You are beautiful inside and out, no matter what!
love ya!
I am so pleased you have this sense of humor! It will get you through this and in style! And how lovely you can share your cards with everyone, you do such a great job, I'm positive they'll fall in love with them!
Hi Jenn, I came across your blog via Paperlicious and thought I might drop you a few lines. It's wonderful that you don't let this nasty cancer steal your humor - I'm convinced that laughter is the best medicine. You look pretty cool without hair :-)
I'm sending you lots of love from Germany, my best wishes to you and your family. And to quote a movie: I'll be back.
I love your sense of humor! And honey your beauty still shines through in that smile of yours. I can't wait to see what you have been creating. Great idea to share it with others too.
I wouldn't worry about your hair or the picture quality, because anything I actually see in that photo is your gorgeous smile - so sincere and true fun!
Keep it going,
Liva ❤
Jennifer: I came here by way of Joan Bardee's Paperlicious. To say that I admire you would sound crazy, but I do. God is giving you a good dose of Himself by the humor He is using to cope with this trying time. My prayer is that you are able to rest in Him, that your docs have wisdom to treat your disease and that you have peace in your "treatments". God bless you often and well.
Glad to see your still smiling through all the heartache. You are an amazing woman Jen and I am sure time will take you down the right path. I look forward to seeing your crafty creations.
Lyndsey xx
You're only Uncle Fester if you can stick a light bulb in your mouth and make it light up. LOL You're amazing woman. :-) We had a red squirrel in our yard this past week. We had tons of gray ones before Katrina, then none at all, but never a red one. I enjoyed seeing him so much and he made me think of you enjoying all your birds. :-) Can't wait to see what you been up to in your crafty room. You should have plenty of goodies to play with cause I think I've seen your name on the winners list at least a dozen times in the past week. LOL Hugs!
Jennifer, glad to hear your spirits are lifted. Humor has awesome healing powers. You continue to be in my prayers and thoughts. :-)
The first thing I noticed was your beautiful smile!
Hey sweetie pie - Oh honey, I'm so sorry you and your family are having to go through all of this. You are truly an amazing woman - but, we already knew that. Your humor, your endless love for your boys - you're an inspiration! I'll get some cards to you to take with chemo (or, you know, just keep for yourself). Love you!
There you go again...cheering everyone else up with that warped sense of humor! That smile does give you away though...you'll never be able to hide with a beautiful smile like that!!
Wishing you peace and continued faith and hope. -a blog reader
Best wishes for sunshine and birdsong! Your smile comes across, even with the Uncle Fester photo image. Sending you a prayer for strength and healing.
Keep those winter hats handy, but be prepared to toss them aside once the hot flashes invade. Viscious rollercoaster that is. Just wanted to let you know a fellow "Survivor in Training" is thinking of you and praying for you. It took me many months to get back to crafting. Now I feel like I have so much time to make up. Can't wait to see your creations.
You are one brave and inspiring woman Jenn! Ive just been catching up on your journal and you really are having a rough road of it but I love that you can still see the humor in things and also enjoy lifes little joys like the birds nest and fox etc. It sounds like you have an awesome family too there to support you.
Here for you.
I am so happy to see that you're feeling well enough to paper craft....that is simply awesome! And your hair,I'm sure you'll get it back and then you'll scratch your head and say "Being bald is ok, I never had a bad hair day.A snap to wash and dry.And I saved a lot on shampoo and conditioners"I know because I've been there. Just keep the faith girl!
You totally cracked me up - Uncle Fester - uh no way!! You look beautiful - bald is beautiful!! I think it's great that you are going to make cards to share, bring some sunshine into other's lives! Stay strong girl!
Hi there sweetie, poppin in to check on you...glad to see that beautiful smile! I have a close friend who is a cancer survivor and NOW has the most gorgeous hair of her life. She lost it all too during her chemo. She had very thin straight light brown hair and now has amazing thick dark brown hair with just enough natural curl that she doesn't ever have to curl her hair....the Lord blessed and she is still doing fantastically well! Keepin you in prayer ...glad your family will all be home (-;
Hugs and cyber hug,
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