Well, it's official. Chemo Brain is making it's way into my wonked out head and I'm getting strange looks from my family all the time. oh my, I think it's just gonna get worse as time goes on.... I say things and then have to stop and think about it after I get that 'look' from everyone. I find that my fingers just can NOT seem to type properly on the keyboard anymore. it takes me forever to get one sentence correct. so posts will be short and sweet from now on. y'all are probably all shouting 'hooray' on that one! :)
I was at the hospital today for my PET scan. we've discovered that my type of breast cancer is a bit more rare and agressive than was first thought. it also has a high risk of return and not such great odds when it does. so my dr. has extended my chemo by several more treatments for now. more of my lashes, brows, and hair have fallen out. but I'm trying to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine while I can. have taken up chatting with a stray cat that's been hanging around. he now comes when I call out to him. :) you know what I say - the sun is still shining and those birds are still singing! giggles!
Enjoy your weekend and know you are loved sooooooooooooooooooo much! :)
p.s. I also wanted to add a quick comment here about word verification on blogs - if you have this added to you blog, I'm sorry but I just won't be able to leave comments any longer. it's always been hard for me in the past, but it's gotten just almost impossible for me to try to read those letters now - especially now that the extra words have been added. what many of you don't realize is that for those of us with neurological problems, it is harder than you can possibly imagine to try to figure out those letters with a wonked out brain. I can spend up to 10 min. trying to decipher some of them and then end up with a nasty headache. comment moderation can solve your problems with spammers if that is your concern. but I do apologize - I just can't read those things anymore. please don't take it personally.
I don't know how you stay so cheerful...but I sure am glad you do! I'm sure you look very distinguished...just think, no waxing or plucking for a while! Best wishes...thought of you on my walk today :)
Glad you are soaking up some rays! Glad you stopped by with an update too!
Jessica S
Thinking of you today- so stopped by to say hello! Keep up with the positive attitude- you can lick this dang cancer!!! Just a thought- I have a huge head- I would look so bad with no hair.....!
Thought I'd stop by and say "Hi!" We're missing you at Dilly Beans. My thought ans prayers are with you, hon. Glad you've got some sunshine. Kitties sure make great companions and they only hang out with the best. xxD
How wonderful to have a new friend to share some sunshine with! Vit D is good for you!
Enjoy each day the Lord is giving you!
Love and Prayers,
Love it when you are able to post an update and despite some not so hot news love that you are keeping that cheerful and positive attitude because it will help. The sun is shining here today so I am glad you are getting it too and can sit out to enjoy it.
Since it is so lovely out I am going to walk up to WalMart in a few minutes, which is beside Michaels (so you know where this was going) but I had to order new glasses today and they are costing $720 (ouch). That means I have to keep walking past Michaels and I expect withdrawal symptoms to set in before I get home - LOL.
Take care and I am sending good thoughts your way.
Soft Hugs!
It's good to see you keeping your spirits up Jen. I have you and your family in my prayer constantly.
Well Jen, it is good to have you blog when you can & when you feel up to it. Your postive attitude is incredible and you will beat this! And you are in AWESOME hands...
Sandy S
Enjoy the sunshine & your kitty friend Jen! Your strength amazes me!
P.S. word verification gives me a headache too & I don't have neuro issues! (My Hubby says I'm crazy....but that doesn't count)
It's good to hear from you. I love that you are chatting with the cat....I can just see me doing that...lol...Here! Here! on the word verification....I have no clue why you need that. Especially with comment moderation. I miss your beautiful creations.
You are in my prayers
My prayers and thoughts are with you!
Hi Jen! Ive just been reading your journal and I have to say how inspiring you are, the way youve managed to keep your chin up is beyond amazing! You are continually in our thoughts, thanks so much for the updates we really appreciate it!!
Just remember that you are a survivor. good luck with all of your treatment decisions. i know, I had to make some tough ones, too. I am still here 13 years later when they said maybe 3 - 5 years. good luck and keep those spirits up.
Thinking of you!
Bless you Jennifer. I am praying for your recovery.
Thinking of you and hope you enjoy your day!
Hi Jennifer! I was just popping by to see how you were doing. I just love your attitude! You are such a sweet and special lady. Please know you are in the thoughts and prayers of many people. I hope you have a great week!
Keep the faith! Praying for you and your family!!
Keep the faith! Praying for you and your family!!:)
I just found your blog, and am glad I did. About 20 years ago, I went thru surgery, Chemo and radiation. Not for breast cancer. But I know what you mean about not being able to see the letters on those word verification things. I hate them! Sometimes it takes me 3 or 4 tries. I'll be saying some prayers for you and hope you come out of this well. If I can help in any way. Please don't hesitate to email me. Hugs, Jessica
So glad you are soaking up some rays. Praying for you on your journey. :)
So glad you are soaking up some rays. Praying for you on your journey. :)
Jennifer hunny may God bless you mightily may He keep you from harm .Know that you are being prayed for across the pond .Love fairy xx
Hi Jennifer
Praying for your recovery!... Blessings!
Hugs, Sony
Praying for you, your family and your new sunshine buddy. God Bless and stay strong.
Praying for you, your family and your new sunshine buddy. God Bless and stay strong.
Best wishes to you! I will keep you in my prayers! Hope you are getting to enjoy some sunshine today. I talk to my kitties outside all the time. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy, but that's o.k.. I do it anyway! :)
Hope today is a good day!
I send my blessings to you that your chemo will blast your cancer to another planet.I have heard a good attitude does wonders It seems you have a good hold in that deparment.
My prayers are with you and your family.
PS I love your blog,Jocelan
Keep on "fighting like a girl", and keep up that oh-so-positive attitude....it most certainly helps.....I know because I'm a 5 year survivor! Cats are very wise....he'll be a good friend...haaa!
Hi Jen. I am not sure how you are managing to continue posting to your blog at such a trying time for you. I will keep you & your family in my prayers. Keep strong.
I am continuing to pray for you. Whatever happens I know that you know you are in awesome hands. I dislike the word verification too. I have fibromyalgia & sometimes I cannot make out the letters. Then lots of times they just plain don't work. Know that you are loved by many & we will all meet one day! <3
Jennifer, you are "sunshine"!!!! wendy xx
Jennifer, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you all the best in your treatments...
God bless and keep you.Stay strong!
stay in great spirits! animals are so comforting exactly when we need them! may God bless you!
May God bless you.You will be in my prayers.You are a strong person and a cheeful one in the face of adversity.Stay strong.
Hi there sweetie...haven't popped in in awhile and had you on my mind...glad I did to read your update ...will lift you up in prayer You know this hasn't caught our Lord by surprise.
Thank you for your wonderful testimony in remaining positive ...hugs
First off I want to offer you a big cyber Hug and all my Love and prayers and to tell you to stay strong and my prayers are with you!!!
I can't say I know how you feel but I can say I've been there from the other side. I've watched my mom go threw her breast cancer and 3 other skin cancers and come out the other end with flying colors. My cousin who is 47 years old has a rare form of breast cancer which sounds much like yours and she's doing good. Cancer is gone but they do watch her like a hawk. So there is a bright sky at the end of the storm it's going to take a battle to get there but hang on it will come!!! Just remember God is with you every step of the way and as my mom always says he never gives you more then you can handle!!! Hugs and prayers!!! Tracy
Jennifer, my thoughts are with you. Take care and keep encouraged. I agree about the word verification. I hate it when I come across it. It is hard for me too.i wish more people would say something. Hey, It sounds like you have a friend in the cat. They are great company. Edwina Brown
Hi Jennifer, I'm so sorry you are going through this. I've been there myself some years ago, and I just laugh about the chemo brain. There are so many doctors who don't believe in it, but there is definite scientific evidence. Probably too much information LOL, but hang in there. I'll keep you in my prayers.
You are amazing with your positive outlook, keep that fighting spirit up. Totally agree about word verification - its such a pain. Take Care, God Bless
Just stopping by to let you know that I am thinking of you and will keep you in my prayers, Hugz
Oh my dear sweet Jennifer! I had noticed a lack of your lovely creations around and have popped over to check on you... I'm so sorry you are having to go through this struggle. Your beautiful spirit and positivity will get you through this, and for the times you need some strength this whole community will be here to help lift you up. Sending you my warmest healing thoughts and lots of Brave Girl strength. Hugs, Shannah xox
Hi Jennifer,
Read your update on your blog last night and was very teary whe I finished. Today I had to have a mammo and a spot that was on my breast a year ago has grown 2mms, so thay want to do a biop within a week. The Dr. said he was 95% sure it was okay, but that left 5% to wonder about. I'm hoping for the best and if not I hope I can be as postive as you are. So from one Texas Gal to another you are in my prayers. Good Luck girlfriend.
I wanted to send hugs and good thoughts.
Jen even your posts about not so nice things make me smile, you always bring the focus to something positive and good in life and it is that positivity and your inner strength I know will get you through the tough times ahead. Keep enjoying the sunshine and the company of your new feline friend and know you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. xxx
Hi sweetie, just popped in to say hi, oh hun i do hope u overcome this, I will keep u in my prayers at church on Sunday, ur so strong, very inspirational, love always
Kenzi xx
I'm with you on the word verification...I'm terrible at not only seeing the letters well, but also trying to type them over and over, go end up wrong!!
I WISH others would take heart on those of us who struggle with them and PLEASE turn OFF word verification!!
It's easier for ALL if you simply opt to monitor your comments another way! :)
I came by to check on you. I'm so sorry that it isn't all good news but I know that our Lord has plans for all of us. I have the song, "When we all get to Heaven what a day of rejoicing that will be" in my mind today. I will be praying for you & your family. I love you.
I agree about the word verification. I guess that Fibromyalgia has some neurological effects as well b/c if I miss it a couple of times I just give up.
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