Well another round of chemo has come and gone... and boy are my poor arms so bruised after all of the tests and needle prods this past week to prove it. I look as if I went a few rounds in the Octagon and came out the loser. add to that my hair coming out like a shedding dog and I am one raggedy looking critter, I can tell you that! ;)

Haven't been getting the best of news from the medical end this past week. We are watching closely some 'activity' according to my PET scan in both my liver and bone marrow that are cause for concern. I was given the oh so encouraging quote the other day of 'survival is possible'.... do they not have any clue as to what that sounds like on this side of the desk?! oh well. they haven't met my God, have they? He has a plan and I will keep walking HIS path, not the one set forth by the doctors. for 10 years doctors told me I would never have children. then lo and behold in 3 years I had 3 most glorious boys. every day I thank God for the blessing of them. so I will keep things in perspective - understanding the reality of what is happening in my body, but knowing that my path has already been set before me. it is up to me to choose how I will respond to all of this news.
so I continue to listen to the beautiful birds. my owl friend continues to serenade me every day. I caught a glimpse of him for the first time ever the other night. what a wonder to behold! he flew right by our neighbor's house with those mighty wings outstretched. my family is a constant joy to me. I couldn't possibly ask for anything more in my life. I am filled to overflowing with blessing upon blessing. Life is full and life is complete. :)
Big hugs Jenn :). You stay strong and positive hun.
Hugs, Mette
The Lord Jesus is a Great God and your life is most definitely in His hands. I love how you're enjoying the wonderful blessings he's bringing into your life. Continue to rest in the strength the Lord Jesus gives as you face each doctor's visit.
Love and prayers,
Sending you some big cyber hugs. You have such a great attitude. Keep it up. He will be with you. I think of you daily and keep a prayer for you and your family in my heart.
Hello, my new friend Jennifer!
I just wanted to let you know that I have joined the throngs of people praying for you! Yes, you're absolutely right! Sounds like those medical people haven't met our God, have they? ;o)
Love reading you share about your birds and owl. I've been hearing one in our yard recently too, and saw him fly away in the early morning hours! What a glorious sight to behold! My husband slept through the whole thing, so I'm so happy to have you to share it with!...Nancy :o)
I think about you often and keep you in my prayers. Keep the positive attitude - it works miracles!
Reading this, a song popped into my head. "The battle is not yours" by Yolanda Adams. I don't know if you know if or not but it's basically saying "The battle is not yours, it's the Lord's" xx Seems as though you've come to that realisation already. There's only one person you need to listen to xx
Thanks for the update and glad you still have such a positive attitude. I guess your doctors weren't aware that you have the big guns on your side. Tell them to get with the program :)
Big soft hugs!
I stand in awe of your strength and your faith! I, also, am praying that all will be well.....go, girl!
keep up that fighting attitude my friend! Delight in the small wonders of every day...the birds, the blue sky above, the beautiful flowers & your owl buddy. My thoughts are with you.
Hugs and prayers for you and your family! You are so right Our Lord is good and we must trust in His Love and Plans!!
Big hugs, Jen! I'm so thankful that you're keeping things in perspective and delighting in the little things like birds. You really are an inspiration. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers during this journey. :)
Stay positive and know that many are praying for you! {{Hugs}}
Sending you loads of hugs and keeping you in my thoughts every single day. xoxo
You are amazing! With everything your going through, YOU are being an encourager of faith to us. You're right. Apparently those doctors don't understand who you have on your side. Our God is an AWESOME God! His will be done. Hugs!
I'm so glad you got to see the owl. We have a couple that come through now and then and one day a year or two ago I was lucky enough to find a feather in my yard. There are so many beautiful things to enjoy And I know you are always aware of them. It is the small beautiful things that will get you through. And a whole bunch of friends sending prayers and love and hugs your way.
I am SO GLAD Claire posted a link to your blog so I can keep updated on you! Be sure to pamper yourself - whatever it takes. Haircut. A hat to wear. Pretty nails. Pretty toes. Someone to make a meal for you. A Starbuck coffee. I'm adding you to my prayer list. Sue Berker
Sending you hugs! I have a couple of owls that I can hear at night at our house. I have never seen them in the 9 years we have lived here.
Oh, Jen, your words are so beautiful. He is the designer of our path. And the way you have chosen to handle those "bumps and bends" in the road is so courageous. I get inspired just emailing and posting you. Your surprise package is on its way.
Hugs to you and yours,
Hi Jennifer, only just learned about your journey...big comforting hugs coming your way, stay strong, healing thoughts for you. Ruby x
Hiya! Just wanted to pop by and send you some love! Have been thinking about you and your new 'journey'. You are truly an inspiration! Loads of hugs! jen x
Just popping by to say I love ya Jennifer!
Take care
Big hugs
Sending hugs and prayers your way. Stay mentally strong and keep up your positive attitude.
I don't know you, but have seen your picture around the web,and just wanted you to know I'm praying for you too. Stay strong and know there are a lot of people out here that are praying for you and your family.
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