I screamed in JoAnn's yesterday. Okay, maybe it was really more like a yelp. But imagine my exitement, shock, joy, all out thrill when I happened to see the new issue of Paper Crafts magazine on display while I was standing in the loooonnn
ngggg check out line. I quickly glanced through the pages, and yep, there it is, my card, published for all the world to see. Right there on page 66 for those interested viewers! ;) That is when the famous scream/yelp/sound heard 'round the world took place. So I raced over to the service counter (after calling David and beaming on the phone to him that yes, it actually made it into the magazine after all & he kindly told me to buy a copy!! GRINS!) where several of the employees have been almost as anxious for this issue to arrive as me! I was directed to the Education Supervisor where they are putting my picture up on the bulletin board and want me to come back in next week to chat. How freakin' cool is THAT?!?!?!? I was flyin' on cloud 9 on that one all day long! So of course I had to call a friend and tell her (for almost an hour! tee hee hee!) and then pass it along to several others.

But you know what the best part of it all is? It's that my husband and most of all my 3 teenage sons are just as excited about this as I am. Am I blessed OR WHAT?!?! Isn't that just the coolest?! They were telling their friends about it yesterday, too. Okay, so enough about that. I'm not all that special and I am sure this is a once in a lifetime thing, but that is okay by me. Knowing that my family loves and supports me - now that will carry me along for the rest of my life! :D
Have a great, most awesome weekend! Love to you all!
awesome! congrats on getting published!!! its a great card! :)
That is soooo Cool! Congratulations!
you are right about the stamp set for the chocolate challenge. I am ready to start mounting on cling and using clear blocks! Still, I get any set I can get my hands on that has scripture and such.
Congratulations!! Awesome card and I'm sure this is the 1st of many.
How exciting for you. I know it makes it even more special that your family understands and that they are excited for you.
Thrilled! I am thrilled for you, girlfriend. Very freakin' awesome! :) Hugs
oh my goodness, girlfriend.. WOW!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!
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