Hello everyone! I know you must have thought that the big bad wolf had come knocking on my door.... nope. just the big bad chemo has knocked me right into a proper blechy fog that doesn't seem to want to leave. this is not the door on "Let's Make a Deal" I thought that I had chosen..... a big ZONK for sure! grins! and it all starts up again next week.... wooo hooooo! at least we are on the down hill side if the dr. sticks to 6 treatments. I have officially reached the half way point, so that is a VERY good thing.
lots of big stuff happening around here. Ryan graduates from high school next week. of course having chemo a few days before hand is not ideal, but can't miss a treatment, so I am going to press on regardless of what the dr. tells me. will NOT miss my son's graduation! he has also been asked to speak at the baccalaureate service the night before, which is a huge honor. I'm looking forward to attending that as well.
This weekend some friends of ours from several churches are coming over to help put a new roof and floor onto our enclosed porch room. at various times this has been my craft room, but it has leaked so bad that everything inside has been ruined. (several years ago I lost almost all of my craft supplies due to the snow melt). Some VERY generous people have come together to help us fix this room this weekend. I was truly overcome by the kindness of so many to help us in this way. We are going to have a BBQ tomorrow afternoon as a small way to say thank you for all they are doing. Don't know just how much I will be able to participate, but it will be lovely to see some of these amazing people again. :)
I have been trying to do itty bits of crafting here and there. haven't completed any one project yet, but maybe before the weekend is over I will have something to share with all of you.

Before I leave, I thought I would post this photo of Latte, one of our precious pups. As many of you know, we have 2 labrador retrievers sisters. They are 10 years old and such an enormous part of our family. They do sleep in bed every night with Dave & I, and I wouldn't have it any other way. :) Well when I received the cancer diagnosis, we picked up special bandanas for the dogs to wear - Latte got the pink one since she is such a princess. She has treated it like her tiara! She has become even more 'royal' since wearing it, if that is even possible. They both get very upset if their bandanas fall off or must be removed for washing. it is actually quite funny. Mocha is a riot when the camera comes out, so it's hard to get pix of her - she wants to lick the camera lens. but in true Princess fashion, Latte poses properly! so here she is for all of you to see! :)
You are such a trooper. Love the photo of your doggie. I am still praying for you each day. Hope you are able to do all the things you want during your son's graduation.
Glad your hanging in there. Enjoy graduation - those are special memories!
Parying that you will feel well enough to attend both events. Also praying that God will keep germs away from you so that you don't get sick from other people. The roof is such a blessing...God works through people, you know.
Keep holding in there Jen! I know your son is inspired by your support you give him! I know how much you want to be with him on these special ocassions! I pray for you strength to enjoy these moments, not just to be there!
So wonderful to have friends care for you in such a great way! enjoy your new room when it's done with your precious dogs!
Jennifer, so good to hear from you!Hoping you have a marvellous time at your sons grad...you must be very proud that he is speaking! Enjoy every minute. I love your doggie picture...I miss my lab (Morgan) so much!
Stay strong girl!
It's good to hear you're hangin' in there. I can't imagine how tired and worn out you must be. I have been keeping you and your family in my prayers.
What a sweet dog. She looks cute with her bandana.
Jennifer, glad to hear you've almost got that nasty chemo kicked! Love the picture of your Lab, she looks just like my Mollie.
Hi Jennifer
Lovely to hear your positivity as always :) Have a wonderful time at Ryan's graduation & hearing him speak at the baccalaureate service too - I know you are one very proud Mom!
Hooray for the half way point & being on the down hill side of the chemo.
Take care sweetie.
Love ya!
Oooh forgot to say I love the photo of Latte :D
Oh she's gorgeous! I have a yellow lab too although my Gwennie is more white than yellow. Poor darling is working on 14 years and her back hip joints just give her fits. She can hardly walk at times. Just breaks my heart.
I'm so glad to hear you've hit the half way mark. You keep hangin in there kiddo. Hugs!
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