I received my wonderful new stamps from the Janlynn Corporation today! They are so cool and much larger than I was anticipating. Can't wait to start playing with them! The stamps are manufactured under the name 'Stamps Happen' so I'm sure you have seen them in stores everywhere. Be sure to check out the website. Cool stuff to be found for sure! I'll be posting some things from them in the next few days.
I realiz
ed that I hadn't shared any Easter cards with you yet - GASP!!! It's horrible, I know! ;) So I pulled out my lovely stick chicks from American Art Stamps and started playing. This card is very simple in style for me, as I'm sure you will notice. Not sure that I care much for it, but hopefully the family I share it with will like it anyhow. The paper is from Doodlebug Designs. Bright colors are just a challenge for me to stamp with. and of course you can imagine how I stuggle with simple!

I hope that all of you are as excited this week as I am! I know that Easter is my all time fave holiday ever! I just love this week!!! now Thursday and Friday tear me to pieces because of the significance of what Jesus did for each and every one of us, and I struggle with the enormity of it all every year (actually every time I stop and think about it, but that is a whole other story if you have several hours!). But gosh, it is also the most beautiful story I could ever think of as well. and so personal to each and every one of us. I hope that you think so, too. My family and I are going to a way cool church this Sunday that has us all excited. The people there are just the most amazing and God-filled you could ever find anywhere. We are so blessed to be able to meet with them and call them friends. So to be able to spend such a phenomenal occassion as Easter with them is just a triple scoop of blessing with a cherry on top!!! :)
Have a great day! May it be all that you hope for!
You did great with the bright colors! Love this card, I think that is one of my favorite images in this style.
Cute image! I have been trying to make simple cards lately too. Easter and Christmas have been my fave holidays until I got my diagnosis on good Friday 2006. I think I might have an inkling at what let this cup pass from me felt like. This year should be much better to the last few. Happy Easter!
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