

Thursday, June 27, 2013

A Day Filled with Happies.... I need one! :)

Coffee of the Day - Buttered Rum Pecan

Boy howdy, I was never so glad for yesterday to be over and today to begin! we had the most bizarre afternoon and evening.....

it began with a phone call from Dave telling me he was in route to the ER with Ryan for a finger that had been crushed in the tailgate of a pickup. yikes! we spent the next several hours texting back and forth through x-rays to discover if bones had been broken and exams to see if stitches were needed. it seems that when the group had gone to the Lake canoeing, Ryan's finger ended up in the back of the pickup with the rest of the boats. not good. thankfully he is okay now. of course he wanted to go straight back to Camp from the hospital!

within half an hour of that last text message, I was taking Mocha outside when she was attacked in our driveway by another dog. did you know that a labrador's head can fit inside the mouth of a St. Bernard? well I now know it's true....that was the most tense 10 minutes of my life as my poor dog screamed and 2 men tried their darndest to get that huge jaw off of her head. thank goodness Latte was inside, but she was barking up a storm as she heard her sister's cries. Mocha is okay now, but she hasn't been 100% from her health ick a few weeks ago. this was the last thing my poor dog needed. but she's alright and that is what matters.

after I got her cleaned up as best I could, we sat down to watch a  movie in the living room. next thing I  know one of my teeth falls out from all of my radiation poisoning. sheesh oh pete, what next? I was really wishing for a shot of tequila right about then, I can tell you! ;) I think I've lost more teeth in this whole cancer battle than I did hair! they sure don't tell you that in the pamphlets.....

so I was really happy to put that day to rest, needless to say. today begins anew.

on to my card....
I made this in the midst of the ER texting, so if it seems a bit scattered, you know why. my thoughts weren't completely focused on crafting.

there is a new showcase over at Milk Coffee today for Girly Girl creations. A new character is being introduced, too, so check out the blog for a fun contest! you'll love the new images! :)

image is 'Girl Holding a Heart Gift,' papers are from the Basic Grey Soleil collection, ribbon rose is made from May Arts satin ribbon, paper roses were gifted to me so I'm sorry I don't know who made them, and sentiment is Create with TLC. the doily and sentiment tag were sprayed with Clambake glimmer mist. this is one of my new fave colors by them!!! you know how I love my sparkly glimmer mist! :)

thank you so much for stopping by. sorry for the long post today, but gosh, it was just an emotional day yesterday. ready for some quiet crafting and smooth  jazz on the CD player today....

love ya! Jennifer

Crafting for All Seasons - make it girly
Penny's Paper Crafty - girl power
Simon Says Stamp - anything goes plus sending this to Maddy
Crafty Sentiments - girl power
Inky Chicks - anything goes
TTCRD - anything goes
Paper Take Weekly - sketch #80 (current) turned on its side
Challenges 4 Everybody - anything goes
No Matter Which - bingo: bow, border punch, sparkle/glitter
Robyn's Fetish - pink, scallops, border, and a bow
Sentimental Sundays - for the girls
Basic Grey - doilies
Craft Lovin' - anything goes
Send a Smile 4 Kids - for the girls (mailing my card to Maddy; see above)
ABC - P is for Pretty in Pink
Crafty Ribbons - anything goes with ribbon (pink rose is made with ribbon, too)
Sweet Pea - for children


Stef H said...

o jen... i am so sorry. but i like your thought about the tequila - LOL.

love the card. you just know how to keep it all together! you are MY inspiration.

hugs :)

Laura Sterckx said...


Such a fun card! Gorgeous patterns, image and embellishments! :)

Thanks for joining the Simon Says Stamp Challenge! :)

Tracy said...

Wow, I thought SB were pretty laid back dogs. Whooda thunk it? Glad to know your pup is okay and Ryan too. Major ouchie there. Sorry another toofie has gone AWOL. :-( Onward and upward to a MUCH better day filled with happies like your sweet card says. Big huggies to ya!

Kathy said...

Such a pretty card, so feminine and girly. Beautifully done!

Thank goodness your son is ok and your dog, too. Ack, what a day. Here's hoping today is much better!

Rhonda Miller said...

Wow, I hope today is a better day for you.

Your card is so pretty. I love the sweet image.

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

What a gorgeous card that any little girl would love to receive. Thanks for taking part in the Sweet Pea Stampers Challenge this month of “for the children” and best of luck. We hope to see you back again very soon. Best wishes, Kym, Sweet Pea Stampers Design Team xxx

Lisa Minckler said...

Are you freaking kidding me? ALL of that in one day?? Seriously?? Holy crap..I will for now and forever more, keep my mouth shut and quit my bitching..LOL. Good grief girl..I cannot believe the day you had. (oh boy, they do say these things happen in 3's) I can't get over your kiddo's finger. What a brave soul to venture back into the wild after that ordeal and then the DOGS....I think I would have lost my mind there. Your description of the event was horrific and I can't believe your poor pup and you went through that. I am so grateful the two men were there to help as well. And lastly, your tooth. I had no idea that was a side affect. I honestly have never read that. I guess they don't want to ruin all the surprises...cripes!!
I'm not sure what good a hug would do you right now, but by golly, sure wish I could give you one. Think it might be nice for the both of us.
Here's me thinking of you and wishing you a MUCH duller day tomorrow...LOL.
Lisa xx

Unknown said...

Lovely card! what soft colors and a great design. Thank you for joining the TTCRD challenge and good luck.

*Vicki* said...

Oh my gosh this is just as sweet as can be...just like YOU!! :) Love those papers and pink colors!!

Pam said...

WoW! What a day! Don't you just love those kind, where after awhile your even afraid to answer the phone because you figure it can't be good news! :) Hope today is much better one for you and the family (doggies included)! Love the card too!!


Anita said...

I will have a strawberry daiquiri for you. I didn't know about teeth falling out as part of the meds for cancer. I feel sorry for you. You did have a really awful day. I have been there with the smash finger. My son needed a ton of stitches and no broken bone. I love your card. It is so cute.

Penny said...

What a crazy day for you! I guess you needed a really good shot of tequila, huh? Wow!
I think you did a fabulous job on this card--it is just precious. I really love that sweet image! Love your pretty colors & papers, your great design, and your embellies! :^)
Hugs, Penny
Here's to a great weekend for you! :^)

Tlc Creations said...

This is just the sweetest card. So sorry your family had such a stressful's to blue skies and dull days ahead~!

Natalie Laurijssen said...

Gorgeous card! I love your colouring and design papers. Thanks for joining our challenge over at ABC.
X - Natalie - X

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Great card Jennifer, thank you for entering at Penny's Paper-Crafty Challenge this week.
Good luck
Julie Ann x
(Penny's DT)

MIE(Mieko) said...

Cute card! Thanks for joining us at Basic Grey Challenges.
Mieko xx

Audrey Ernst (hippieaud) said...

Oh gosh Jennifer, what a day you had! Relieved that Ryan is fine. Thank goodness Mocha is ok - have been in between way too many dog fights in my own home and trust me, I know how tense it can be!! So glad everything turned out ok and hope the rest of the week was better for you. Lovely creation here, wonderful colors! So glad to see you playing at Crafty Sentiments this week. Many hugs!!

Lisa said...

Great take on the sketch! And this image is so sweet. Thanks for joining us at Papertake Weeky :)

Carol said...

This is very pretty. Thanks for joining us at CFAS this time. Carol DT x

Anke said...

Lovely creation. Thanks for joining us at Crafty ribbons
hugs Anke