Starting a week from Monday this is going to be my new home away from home through Thanksgiving. I'll be taking 7 weeks of daily radiation treatments, which is actually a week more than we were initially told. it all boils down to the Triple Negative Breast Cancer and the stage the cells were at upon discovery. (or level, I get the 2 mixed up....) and my age. evidently I am on the young side for this to be taking place, so they want to really zap me good. ;) I just hope I get some mighty fine mutant powers out of this deal!
My hair has started to grow back in, and get this - it's coming in silver! whoa nelly that came as quite the shock! I had a few strands here and there before the diagnosis, but evidently the chemo just flat out bleached away all of the brown and gold from my hair. I had been thinking of a pink skunk stripe, but this is almost all silver. I seriously am not going to recognize myself in the mirror....
as for my shoulder, the surgeon, who is fabulous btw, doesn't want to do anything until all cancer treatments are finished. he'll re-evaluate if necessary next year, but the bulk of my pain is coming from a frozen shoulder, not all of the tears. so I am seeing a massage therapist through the new cancer center to help get me ready for radiation to be able to get my arm into proper position. it's not pleasant, but hey, I can put up with most anything these days.
sadly, my seizures have started up again. don't know if it's from the shoulder pain or just the whole shebang.....but that was another lovely little surprise last night. so for the moment I am sitting with my coffee cup enjoying a chipmunk who is playing games on my front porch and just being.....
know that YOU are loved truly, deeply! :)
Life isn't at all what we expected, is it? My thoughts and prayers will be with you.
I'm praying for you, Sister! You are not alone...EVER! He's right there holding your hand through it all! :o)
Jen, I will continue praying for you and your family. You are always in my thoughts.
Oh Jen, we are thinking of you and praying for you my friend! Please take care!! BIGGEST HUGS
Jennifer, you really got a load to carry, didn't you? But you are strong enough to do it, I can tell. And with all the people praying for you, the cancer doesn't stand a chance! I am sure they will do their best to make you comfortable at the center. Hang in there, Girlfriend! You can do this! :^)
Megahugs, Penny
Oh, and btw, forgot to mention: Silver is the new blonde! ;^)
Love ya back, Penny
Hey Jen,
Sounds like your plate is really full right now.:( As the saying goes when it rains it pours. Know that you are being prayed for and that you are not alone during this walk. Keep that positive attitude that always shines from you and we will all be here praying and thinking positive thoughts for you too!!! {{{HUGS}}}
I just pray for better, healthier times for you, Jen. You are such a trooper. Hugs.
Sorry to hear your seizures have started again. I will keep you in our prayers as you begin your radiation treatments.
I'll certainly be praying for you as you go thru this journey, Jen!
Sending you big HUGS ~
Dear Jen, do enjoy you chipmunk watching and your coffee! I'll be continuing to pray for you as you enter into radiation treatment. Just think if you're hair is all silver you'll look so wise....like you are! I pray your seisures are just from the stress, and will go away when things fall into a routine! Glad to know that you'll have some help with your shoulder that doesn't include surgery at this time!
"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.' - Psalm 118:24
Girl, you just blow me away. Everything you just described and I could still hear the positive thread in there. I'll be praying for you and thinking about you. Hugs!
P.S. Isn't silver hair a sign of widsom? :-)
How lucky will those patients at the Cancer Center be to have you bringing your sunshine into their world. You are never alone...lots of people hold you close to their hearts....and you are always in my prayers.
So sorry you have to go through all of this. Sending prayers your way.
My family and I pray for you everyday Jen. Your "home" away from home looks very state of the art and no doubt will take very good care of you. Stay strong Jen. Stong mind, Strong body. I'm sending hugs across the miles and BTW:
silver is beautiful <3-Kim
Hello! We've never "met", but I found my way here from the comment you left over at Stampin Sisters in Christ. Just wanted to let you know that prayers are on the way for you, that the Lord will show His mighty miracles through you and that He will carry you through this journey, that you will be a living testimony at the end of these trials. BTW, I bet the silver is beautiful on you!! God bless!
It is amazing how you are able to stay so positive. I will be sending lots of hugs and good wishes your way. Stay strong.
Hugs, Carissa
You always keep such a wonderfully positive attitude, and find a moment of joy in your life, you will find the strength to keep fighting this battle through that, and all the love that surrounds you. Keeping you in my thoughts for everything to go will with your 7wks of further treatment. Hugs lin
Jen, you are awesome and you will get through all this!!!
Someday, 10 years from now, you'll be looking back at this as just a big bump in your road, like me!!!!
Keep your positive attitude and enjoy the little pleasures like your coffee!!!
Sending love and a hug!!!
Hi, Jennifer! Saw your comment on the SSIC blog this morning and wanted to thank you for it, and pop in again to say hello, and let you know I've continued to pray for you. The days ahead are certain to challenge, but God will never leave your side. I will be praying steadfastly for it to go well and be the instrument of God's healing touch upon you. May He increase your faith, and pull you deeper into His presence.
I hope you know that the last sentence of your post is just about yourself?! And I hope you also know that lots of people all around the world just puts their minds together to pray for you and send all those happy thoughts to you.
Liva ❤
Hi Jennifer! Wishing you well and praying for you as you enter this new stage of treatment. Super powers, huh? Well here is my guess, with that silver hair coming in I think you could make a play for the Silver Surfer, but don't give away your secret identity! Shhhh!!! And make sure you enter in the suggestion box at the treatment center that they need to have coffee and chipmunks to keep you smiling. HUGS!
LOL..YES, What Tracy said. Silver hair is referrenced as a sign of wisdom and I made sure to read that scripture to my husband, right before I took the box of hair coloring out. ;)
Thinking and praying for you daily. Thank you for the continued updates. You make me smile.
Big hugs,
Lisa xx
Thank you so much for this update, Jen. I have been thinking about you and wondering how all your doctors' visits went last week. I'm glad to hear you won't be having to have a rotator cuff repair surgery in the middle of all you are going through right now, and hope that the physical therapy will help with the pain of your frozen shoulder.
I'm so glad that you'll be jumping right in to your radiation therapy and getting that started. While your shoulder issues are painful, they aren't life-threatening and can wait. My overwhelming thought, however, is that I just can't believe all that you are having to deal with. I continue to pray for you, and send my love and hope that you can find the strength you'll need to get through this incredibly trying ordeal.
Hugs to you, my very brave friend!
Love always,
I think you still need to go with the pink skunk stripe! And take pictures. You are in my thoughts daily, I so admire your attitude.
Jennifer, I've been sitting here for a day trying to think of something to say. And then I see that you've commented on my blog.
I just don't know how to express what a truly special and amazing person you are. Your warm personality just shines through, despite extraordinary difficulties.
None of this is fair. I hope hope hope that you get relief for your shoulder and than the radiation kicks the cancer's butt. Read that triple negative is a bear BUT once conquered, it is much less likely to return than other forms of breast cancer. So I hold onto that fact and wish you nothing but the best. You deserve it. Hugs. We are all pulling for you!!
You are in my thoughts, Jennifer.I admire you so much that you remain so positive. A big warm hug, Wilma
Sweetie, I will be thinking of you very much over these next weeks...I can assure you that it is not easy but it does make us much stronger. I am so happy that you received your PINK package from me and hope you can enjoy each thing I put in there. If I can do anything to assist my pink sister, just let me know!! With great big hugs...Jacque
What strikes me about you is that you take the time to update all of us, carry on with optimism through the words you type and still reach out to encourage others. We'll never know why it had to be you to go through all of this but maybe it's because He knew all along that you'd be faithful. That is what impresses me the most about you. You are doing all you can do and you're resting in what He can do only. I hate you'll be away from home for so long but the good news is that you'll be in your own home and comfy bed for Christmas. I'm sending loads of encouragement and well wishes your way sweet lady. BTW silver hair can be just as sexy as blonde. Jamie Lee Curtis is mostly silver yet she's a sexy lady. ;-)
Big Hugs & Much Love,
You are in my thoughts and prayers, a warm hug from Italy, Miria xxx
Just stopping by to say Hi and sending you a hug, and lots of love and wishes for your speedy recovery xx hugs me xx
I'm a stranger, but a fellow crafter too. Joan let us all know you need good wishes and so here I am. Hugs and BEST WISHES TO YOU. Best to you during all your treatments - may they go swiftly and do their job! Btw - my friend's hair grew back blond and curley, than turned back to brown and the curls stayed! :)
Came across you through Joan B's blog - you've got fantastic spirit - keep it up! There are a lot of people thinking of and praying for you and one more now! Looking forward to getting to know you better once you're back home!
Sending you lots of love, Jennifer! You are so brave, and you should start wearing really FUNKY socks!!! Best, CG
I haven't had much chance to follow blogs lately, but I think of you often and always wish you the best. Sorry to read about your shoulder and the seizures... I hope things are going better and that all that is giving you trouble is showing up in socks for radiation!
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