It's a glorious day! I hope you see it that way as well! God has placed on my heart today the whole idea of perspective.
Think of the people in the time of Jesus' birth. They expected a King to be born. and He was, but He came in a way that was least expected - born in a stable surrounded by animals, not in a castle. In the peoples' perspective, Jesus couldn't be the Messiah. His earthly father was a carpenter. But how like God to do the unexpected. Does He do that in your life? We think that God will only act in grand or huge ways, and of course He can, but He also loves the small acts and speaks with whispers. He longs for us to get quiet and seek his small signs. How often do we miss out on something God is trying to show us or tell us because our perspective is all out of whack? Sadly, I do this all the time. I trust my own judgement and not His. But it is never too late to start afresh! :)
I was reminded of this again when I saw the challenge this morning at Stampin' Sisters in Christ. Based on this verse:
Matthew 6:19-21 "Do not store up for yourself treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

we are to stop hoarding our precious crafting supplies and start actually using them. what an idea! :)
so I decided to pull out some of my wonderful Prima trim, holly leaf, & poinsettia, K & Co. paper and rosette, vintage buttons, and sequins. The card base is sprayed with pearl glimmer mist while the music piece is sprayed with walnut gold. Lots of shine on this big card - it is an entire piece of cs folded in half.
This beautiful verse comes from Doodle Beans. I used my ink squirty tool to help age it.
Have a wonderful start to your week! Love to you!
I know how easy it is to hoard, but congrats on letting go and using your goodies--isn't it nice to see your cards come alive when you do dress them up!
What a lovely composition! Great font on the verse too, I like it and the aging you lent it. Thanks for participating in the SSCC this week!
Oh my gosh, your card is wonderful. I also hoard many things and am having a hard time deciding just which ones to use for this challenge. I love what you did with yours.
This is WONDERFUL Jennifer! LOVE that lacey trim and the verse and everything! Great job on this BLINGY Challenge! =) Thanks so much for playing along. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!
Great verse, lovely card. anesha
beautiful card. I love how the words are the focal point.
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