

Monday, September 21, 2009

'oh Sue, don't be sad' Challenge card

Coffee of the Day - Caramel Truffle (and it's already GONE!!!)

Good morning! What a glorious day! it's overcast, scheduled to rain all day, and I LOVE IT!!!!!! I love the rain!!! what a wonderful aroma the earth takes on as the rain hits the pavement and the grass........ oh I could just breathe it in all the time..... that and coffee and the smell of bacon and fresh cookies baking......... well, I got most of those this morning. Dave is in DC today for a big church district meeting, so it was up to me to get the guys to school. so I fixed them breakfast - bacon, eggs, english muffins, and of course, coffee for me. add that to the rain that was lightly falling outside and I am such a happy camper! except that my hunny bunny is missing from the picture........

so that makes me one sad sad sue......... just like the girl from this cute little digi from Designs by Sue/Beary Dust at Digital Ink Company. (man, how was that for some snazzy lead in.......... wink wink!) the fun challenge this week is to use 2 decorative papers and 3 buttons or brads on your project in addition to this cutie. you should see the wonderful digi that is the prize - CUTIE FUN SET!!!!!!

My papers are from Basic Grey (surprise!) Wisteria and 3 Bugs in a Rug. Go figure, I didn't use buttons on this project, I used brads instead. thought I would mix it up a bit! ;) Sue's hair bows, pj feet and prima flowers have been painted with lavendar shimmerz. The floral border punch is by Martha Stewart. The heart pin is actually from the notions dept. at JoAnn's. all coloring is watercolors - just got new watercolor brushes yesterday and I am doing the happy happy dance over that one!!!!! my old ones were gettin' all icky on me....... bleah....

have a glorious day and find something to make you smile! don't be a sad sue! :D
love ya! Jennifer
p.s. I am also using this card for the color challenge over at Ildi Co. It is their first challenge - to use lilac, yellow, and brown.


Darlene said...

LOVE all the purples (my favorite color)that you've used on this creation!! Lovely ribbon, heart, shimmers ... just adorable!

TannyP said...

Such a great job on this challenge card! I love that you even added in some grounding effects!

Stef H said...

awwwwwwww! she looks like she's about to cry. give her some of your fabulous coffee! lol.

adorable and i love your new page look too!


Anita said...

Cute card! How wonderful for you to make the kids such a yummy breakfast.

Micki said...

LOL, yeah I'd love rain too if I could stay home from work and 'play', lol.

Great card girl!!!! Lovin' the colors and that image is just to dang adorable!!!


Michelle said...

I don't use purples that often and it is a color I do like but I uess I can't make it work when I try. This is great! The colors and the image...all of it just wonderful.

Yvette said...

What a good mommy you are! The breakfast sounds soooo good! The weather sounds wonderful too! I LOVE it when it rains!

Your blog looks FAB! Your card is just too cute! :) Enjoy your day!

JayLynn said...

So cute! Thanks for joining us for our very first Ildi Co challenge!

Judi M said...

The lavenders are lovely in this, Jennifer. You did a wonderful job with this sweet image.

Kristine said...

:) You are so funny! Love this li'l cutie patootie! I wish I had a JoAnne's near me :( That makes me a sad sue, LOL. Just kidding! I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky person normally. Besides, my pocketbook would surely become a sad sad sue if I DID have a JoAnne's or Michael's nearby! LOL. Love that Wisteria BG paper!!

Judy said...

Jen hun, this card is so adorable. I love purples, and I think you did a fabo job.

Blessings & lots of love,

Vicki said...

Awww! You just want to hug her! Beautiful job! Blessings to you!

Lauri said...

You are too funny!!! and boy you went through that coffee fast today!!

Scrapping Julie said...

awww...poor sad sue...she is pittiful. but your card is fantastic!!!

Diane Davies said...

Very cute. Love the purple and her polka dots. : )

Georgia Ehrmann said...

this is a precious card Jennifer! You did a wonderful job on it!