I again apologize for being away for so long. I'm visiting drs. trying to determine just what is going on with my poor ol' body these days! HOPEFULLY we are getting closer to an answer and then I can get back to my beloved stamping again!!!!! crossing fingers and toes and eyes and ears and whatever I can find that all will be back to normal (or whatever that is in my wonky world!!!) soon! thank you SO MUCH for your well wishes and prayers!!!!! it means the world to me!!!
So now, on to the card...
This is o

It is super cold here, with temps at -6*, and that is without the wind chill factored in! I like the cold, but even that is REALLY cold for me! so all of you stay bundled up and warm! have a nice cuppa something toasty hot and cuddle up with your lovey dovey!
This is such a fun image, and a really fun card.
So good to see you back! I hope you are feeling better and have answers soon. Very pretty card.
how cute is that cupcake shoe!
I'm loving your vintage cards, Love this shoe one!
It's cold here as well -18 with a wind chill of -39, burrrrr
this is a work of art!
This is just soooooooo CUTE! Great job (: I am so happy to see you back, you have been missed.
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