Saturday, May 30, 2009
As One Door Closes....
But as God always does for us, He has opened another design team door for me with the oppotunity at Angel's Landing. As I had mentioned in my previous post, Judi has been so good to offer me a position on her new team knowing about all of my health issues. I look forward to being able to be a contributing part of her team in the NEAR (fingers crossed!!) future!
We must always remember to not lose sight of God's best intentions for us, even when we ourselves can't see beyond the 'right now'. As I sit and type this, an owl is serenading me with his glorious call. The other morning birds are beginning their calls to one another. My 2 beautiful labs are sitting at my feet. I am able to sit and smell the roses in my own little corner of the world because that is what I am choosing to do. God will ALWAYS bring us through whatever trials we are facing. That is what He does because He loves us. and He is always opening doors.................
Friday, May 29, 2009
A Quick Update...
I am sorry to have taken so long to post any updates. I just have a rough time getting out of bed and even coming downstairs to where the computer is these days. Life at the Ritz can be so demanding....... ;)
I have been to see my dr. and had some tests done at the hosptial & the consensus seems to be that I need to have a biopsy done on my pancreas. Evidently this is not a 'everyday, run of the mill' kind of thing since there are only several drs. in the Cleveland area who will even do it. So I go in next week for an appt. to get the surgery scheduled.
You will be happy to know that I have now 'upgraded' from Gatorade to Powerade. I keep asking the pool boy to put the cute little umbrellas in my drinks, but he just rolls his eyes at me......... good help is so hard to find these days! wonder what he'll do when I ask him to serve it to me in a big pineapple!!! gotta keep the help on their toes! But really, my family has been tremendous throughout all of this. I am one blessed woman indeed!!! :)
and Judi over at Angel's Landing has so graciously allowed me to be a part of her new Design Team! Thank you so very, very much for the wonderful opportunity! I hope to be up and stamping again soon!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Going to be gone for a little bit.........
Just trying to keep you in the loop. of course it's a loop made of pretty ribbons! :)
enjoy your wonderful weekend! love ya bunches!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
It's Here! Digiment Grand Opening!!!!! :D

Monday, May 11, 2009
It's a DIGIMENT Sneaky Peeky!!!! ;)

Saturday, May 9, 2009
Grand Opening of Digiments coming SOON! :)
There is an amazing verse available for FREE to download and create a card. Link your creation to the website using Mr. Linky (wouldn't you love to have a name like Mr. Linky?!?! it just makes me smile to type it! grins!!!) You will then be entered into this phenom contest for your chance to win ~
The ENTIRE set of new release Digiments!!!!!!
yep, you read it right!!!!! :D
isn't that just the coolest?!?! The Design Team has been working hard gathering up supplies from far and yon (yon was the hardest place to get shipping from - rates and delivery schedules are TERRIBLE this time of year! wink wink wink!) to make the most wonderful cards and projects to ever be seen this side of Paradise. well, okay, maybe a SLIGHT exageration, but they promise to be cool! you might even see a little sneaky peeky somewhere in the blogs...............
but you gotta get busy printin' that Digiment! come on - what are you waiting for? this is your PERSONAL invite baby! ;)
An Oldie but a Goodie

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Be Still and Know.......

A most beloved blog award!

Karen from Karen's Escape
Lori from Make a Difference
these women don't just say that they are Christians and leave it at that - they talk about their faith on their blogs. They mention the ups and downs of life as a Christian and how hard it is to hold on sometimes, but yet still get down on their knees and praise Him through both the storms and sunshine. and I think that is pretty cool! :)
I am still creating just can't post some of the things since they are for the Digiments Grand Opening next week on May 13! Will try to make a few things to share on my blog - God has really laid a verse on my heart in the past week that I need to get on a card. Hope you have a glorious day! May you have sunshine in your heart even if it isn't outside your window! :) Love ya!
p.s. How could I forget this - run over to the Digiments site right now for a freebie sentiment and contest!!!!!!!! hurry! it's a really cool deal-ie-o!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Normal Family Giraffe Digi Challenge Card

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Fun Photos and a Blog Award

the rules for receiving this award:
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. On your blog, link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours
5. Leave a message on the blogs you’ve nominated
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Fancy Pants House Mouse Get Well card

Friday, May 1, 2009
Glitter Pink 'I Thank God' card
Showing another card made using this beautiful verse from Digiments. I had such fun creating with it the first time, I decided to make another card with it and for a happier occassion. I really can't wait to see the other sentiments and verses that Michelle comes up with once her store opens up. I feel like the woman from those commercials a while back, standing at the door, saying over and over again, "open, open, open!" I'll be sure to post just as soon as she has her Grand Opening! I know that we are all anxious!
I once again went with these gorgeous K & Co. Que Sera Sera papers. Thanks to my blogging friend Dru over at Garden of Dreams, I have decided to try to add a little more glitter on some of my projects, so this one's border was first painted in pink shimmerz and then highlighted in fruit punch stickles. lots of shine here, friends! For the charm, I sanded it pretty well with sandpaper and then used my sponge to add

The rhinestone flower is also from Prima and the drop dead gorgeous ribbon (sorry the one tail folded over in my scanner! you know the troubles my scanner gives me from previous posts I've made!) is from May Arts. The flourish stamp in the bg of the verse is that neat Michael's find I keep telling you about. man, that is such a cool stamp and all for only $1!!!!
The matting on the verse was distressed and then accented with gold ink. Helps add to the overall shine of the card. Card base edges were once again inked in white craft and then again in gold to add to shabby feel. Oh yes, the paper that the verse is printed on is more of that beautiful pearlescent paper that I had shown you earlier this week. such a wonderful glow to it irl!
Enjoy your weekend! We are swamped here - State Choir competition, SAT's, prom, Spring Retreat at Camp Burton, Maple Festival in town, and me being sicker than any dog I know with a flu bug that's been livin' the high life and settin' up house for almost a week now. blech, icky poo, yuck! no fair food for me! :( and I look forward to the Maple cotton candy every year.......... oh well, maybe next time!