Friday, December 31, 2010
The Story of Jonah video
David sent me this link that I had to race over to share with all of you! This is one of the most precious things I have seen in a long time. Not only is this young girl adorable, but her passion for the story is so contagious. I found myself both smiling and crying at the same time as I listened to this messenger God sent........ May you be as blessed as I was.
The Story of Jonah video
Monday, December 27, 2010
Enjoying the Days.....
Hello to all of you! I hope you had a most beautiful holiday - full of love, good cheer, laughs, and memories to keep your heart full of smiles! :) Ours was quiet, well, with the exception of the game systems going non-stop and the laughter that went along with it, but you know what I mean. It was glorious, truly glorious, to have everyone together! :)
Thought I would give just a little update on what is going on and what to expect with my crafty blogging.......
Still recuperating from a pretty nasty time of it. oh well, life has ups and downs. we must accept that the valleys will come, put on our muck boots, and just walk right on through them. so I am hopefully coming out of it all and will be back to crafting again soon. at least I hope so! ;) my butons and ribbons are calling out to me every day, so I am anxious to get back to playing with them! grins!
Santa blessed with me with a few crafting magazines in my stocking. how delightful to see some of my friends in publication! kudos to you! a big shout out to Dru at Garden of Dreams! I have always admired her way with vintage, so it was a thrill to see her card published. Makes me think I might get back to sending things in to try again, but we shall see. I am just so proud of those who DO get accepted. way to go! :)
as for DT work, you will probably notice that I have cut way back. Some I stepped away from, some I was removed from, some the time was up. Right now I remain with Shady Tree Studios. I have to say over and over again that I have loved every team I have ever been on. There have been so many amazing people I have met over the years and of course wonderful companies to be associated with. I appreciate so much the people who took a chance on me.
I hope to keep trying new techniques over the upcoming year. I have seen such fun things featured that I am anxious to try! I would love to work on more scrapbook pages. Perhaps a few more altered projects as well....... who knows what might end up on these blog pages in the new year?! maybe even that dreaded sewing machine will get pulled out of the attic........ giggles!
I guess that more than anything I want to stay true to who I am, but keep refining my style. I don't ever want to lose sight of myself in my crafting and get caught up again in trying to 'keep up' with everyone else. I can't afford it, but I think I lose a part of who I am when I do that.
So for those of you who would like to hang around for this journey, grab a cuppa! I so love and appreciate you! I will give my blog a new look again right after New Year's Day, but until then, I do love the look of this bg! :) For those of you who decide to choose a different road, it has been a great time having you around and I thank you for your visit for a while! You have all, in whatever degree you have stopped by, made my life a bit brighter. and for that I thank you deeply! :)
Until next time.... Jennifer
Saturday, December 25, 2010
A Beautiful Merry Christmas to You!

Just wanted to take a moment to wish you and yours a most beautiful Christmas Day! May you rejoice in the celebration of the birth of our precious Saviour, Jesus, and the gift He so lovingly brings to us all. May you know that every day God looks at you with love and sees a person of great beauty and worth! You are important to Him! :)
Friday, December 24, 2010
Shady Tree Studios Winners!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Delay on Shady Tree Studios Drawing....
until then, stay warm and enjoy the holiday prep time with your friends and families! :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Shady Tree Studio Release Day!!! :)

- edited to add - I am giving everyone some extra time to get those comments in. I will draw the winner for the "Sweet Romance" set on Sunday evening and post on Monday. so you have a few more days to leave a comment for your chance at a free stamp set! :)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Shady Tree Sneakies, Day 2!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Day 1 of Shady Tree Sneaky Peeks! :)

Monday, December 13, 2010
Big Stuff coming this week from Shady Tree......

Monday, December 6, 2010
We Three Kings

Thursday, December 2, 2010
A Wonderful Award!

As a requirement of receiving the award, I need to do the following:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards.
So here are 8 things you might not know about me after all this time ~
1. I have a tattoo - a heart with a cross inside on my ankle
2. I am a big fan of The Big Bang Theory. we watch it every single week and have it on DVD, too. :) just call me a big geek!
3. also like to watch UFC. GSP is one of my faves. yep, it shocks most people to know I am a fan of the octagon!
4. Pink is my fave color in crafting. you will find it on almost every single project I make.
5. I'm the rare person who is not a chocoholic, unless you count white choco. I would much rather have a fruit type dessert or cheesecake. strange, I know.
6. I absolutely positively MUST read every day. this comes before crafting as a priority.
7. I also need to have trees and wildlife around me. I just love nature!
8. My all time fave movie ever is Disney's Sleeping Beauty.
now for the people I would like to pass this award along to: (yes, I went over 8 and not all of them are new to me......)
1. Holly -
2. Maria -
3. Darlene -
4. Stef -
5. Heather -
6. Nancy -
7. Roxie -
8. Michele -
9. Tracy -
10. Lisa -