
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Continued New Year Blessings.... 'cause I ramble....

okay, I just like to ramble - y'all know that about me. my earlier post went live about 12 something or other last night. it's now a wonderful snowy morning and I find I have other stuff to say. no surprise there, huh?! ;)

but this is my less serious post, so bear with me. best grab that BIG cup o' joe for some fortification before reading!

to start, mr. blue froggy linky thingy did his magical bit last night and picked a winner for the Valentine blog candy - Renee B.  I couldn't have been more tickled to see her name pop up in my email from inlinkz. pop over to her blog and you will understand why. leave her a cyber hug if you can. God is good and works in small, quiet ways sometimes, even if it is just a packet of crafty stuff..... :)

next, I saw that I now have hit the most amazing of milestones here on my blog - over 500 followers! whoa nelly! so many of y'all put up with me! astounding! I'm really not all that interesting folks. I say that to people all the time. so thank you for hanging in there and drinking coffee with me. it means a lot! to celebrate I'll get some kind of special blog candy together in the next week and get it posted as soon as I can. be on the lookout! and I promise that crafty projects will be coming soon.

finally, don't take life too seriously. there are going to be some really stinky things happen to you along the road and you will meet some equally stinky people. just hold your nose and walk on by. don't let their stink rub off on you. don't make their stink yours. it's a choice you make. choose to be happy. put those brave boots on and just keep putting one foot in front of the other. you WILL meet some amazing people along the way who will make every day so beautiful and fragrant.

remember to laugh! laugh at life and most especially, laugh at yourself. I find myself to be a constant source of amusement, just because I am such a goofball. ;)  ask my family if you have any doubt! ha!

and because I am a geeky sort, this photo from Pinterest made me LOL yesterday. if you've seen the movie or read the book, you'll understand why..... oh Mr. Lincoln, you are my hero! :)

you wanna know how Santa was to me this year? I received coffee and zombie stuff - pure delight!!! :p


  1. Hello Jennifer~ How are you doing my sweet friend....
    Happy New Year and happy belated Christmas holidays to you and your family.... Hope you had some great time during your holiday's with celebrations and being with dear friends and family.....
    Thanks for popping into my blog!
    Woot woot on your milestone and more yet to come.....

  2. I promise to keep the "stinkies" at bay! ;^) Zombies, huh? You must love Rick St. Dennis, then! His stuff is crazy-fun! :^)
    Hugs, Penny
    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Great advice -- Happy New Year to you and your family! Blessings -- Vicki

  4. Jennifer, Jennifer, never cease to make me laugh...& as you know right now I need all the laughs I can get. I have to tell you a little story about my Mom's journey...yesterday she slept most of the day but about 4:00pm she woke up to her whole family surrounding her bed. She told us all how much she loved us but that she was very tired & my Dad was calling to her & she thought it was time to go join him in Heaven. She closed her eyes & we all thought she was breathing her last when all of a sudden her eyes popped open & she announced "I'm not ready to check out yet...let's have a party seeing that it is New Yrs. Eve!" What a woman! She is my hero.
    Thanks for picking my name for your Valentine candy...what a wonderful little pick me up!
    Wishing you a wonderful 2013!
    Hugs, Renee

  5. Whst a wonderful post - bless your heart

  6. Hi Jennifer! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I knew your name sounded familiar so I scrolled WAY down on your blog and discovered that we used to design together for Isabella's Sketchbook. Nice to hear from you, your New Years post gave a good chuckle! Glad to see you're still designing and blogging!

  7. Oh and one more thing....track down that white pencil and let me see your chalkboard creation! By the way I used a white crayon LOL!

  8. Happy, happy New Year! I had some difficulties in my life last year, but reading your posts (even thou not finding to comment most of the time) helped me to get along. I hope that this year will bring some positive changes to you as well as for me and everyone else.
    P.S. I have some small blog candy in my blog if you're interested.

  9. I have GOT to see that movie! Not the sparkly one, but the other one with ol' Abe.
    Thanks for posting this picture. I LOL'd too...hahahahaha!


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