
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tomorrow is the day for Jen's Sunshine Blog Hop!

Coffee of the Day - Toasted Coconut


The big day is right around the corner, and I'm as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs! I so want this to be a success for the wonderful people who have put so much time and heart into the blog hop.....and good golly molly, the prizes! the generous folks from all over who have donated the most fabulous goodies for all of you to win!!! your socks are gonna be blown right off of your little tootsies! :)

Please please plan to stop by just to thank those amazing people who have given so much of themselves to help this random person out in bloggy land y'all have embraced with such compassion it brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. :)

All of you have been asking, so I'm gonna get the icky stuff out of the way -
yesterday's visit with the surgeon did not go well. Not only do I have 4 torn tendons, but I also have a torn rotator cuff. BUT he does not want to operate, for some random reason known only to him..... no matter how many times I asked, he never would answer me directly. don't you hate it when someone, especially a dr., does that? he admitted that the tears will NOT repair and heal on their own. instead he wants to put me on a lonnnnnng regimen of steroid injections and physical therapy. I quickly said no to the steroids. they didn't help whatsoever when I was getting them with my chemo so why would they help now? he honestly couldn't answer that one....but he still wanted to shoot me full of the blasted stuff. no thank you.

I realize that I am going to have PT regardless. but let's fix the actual problem instead of just doping me up with stuff. I still have enough icky floating through my system from the chemo. so we are going to try to find another surgeon to get a 2nd opinion. sigh.....

thank goodness for the sunshine! (actually it was pouring down rain yesterday and I loved every single drop!!! it was glorious!! Dave & I taught the boys to play in the rain....he & I used to have date walks in the rain storms. so very romantic!)


  1. I'm all ready for tomorrow's hop. I can't wait to see all the fabulous creations.

    I'm sorry to hear things didn't go well with the surgeon. I hope you're able to find another one.

    What a fun date idea.

  2. Jennifer, still looking forward to tomorrow's hop!
    I am so sorry to hear about your surgeon--he sounds like one who might do good work, but has no bedside manner! Hopefully you can get a second opinion that fills your needs better! In the meantime, we will still send good thoughts and prayers for everything going on in your life right now!
    Giant hugs,

  3. Oh dadgum, they did the same thing to my husband and you are spot on, it did not work. Surgery is finally scheduled as I think they've (MD's)scratched their heads and sat on their thumbs long enough! A second opinion was the best option for him and I hope it is for you too.
    See you tomorrow... :D
    I'll be the one with bells on!!

  4. This is wonderful! You had me laughing with your comment about the cat in a room full of rocking chairs! LOL
    So sorry that you have to find another surgeon and book yet another appointment. I'm with you though, fix the root problem!!!
    How very romantic.....walks in the rain! Glad that you've taught your boys to love the same!

  5. Looking forward to the hop, I am sure it will be great! So sorry that things did not go well with the doctor appt. I don't blame you for getting a second opinion. Hugs to you and hope you have a good day!! :)

  6. Holy Toledo why couldn't just give you the rationale why he didn't want to do surgery. Perhaps it is better he didn't if he was so against it and a second doctor with more confidence and experience will have a different treatment plan. Looking so forward to tomorrow and the hop! XOXOOXOXOXOX HUGZ

  7. Oh thank you for posting on my blog. You are going through so much. Bonnie had as good a life as she could with us, I just didn't want her to suffer anymore and was would have 14 in January. Take care of yourself! I know what you mean about not getting the right answers from doctors...I get it with Norm.

  8. I'm soooo praying that we won't lose power so I can keep up with the hop in real time. So far we're doing real good but the worst part isn't quite here yet. I'm so glad you're excited about the hop. That makes it worth it. :-)
    I definitely think you need to get a second opinion. I don't blame you about the steroids. They're good sometimes but not all the time. Get lots of rest so you can be bright eyed and bushy tailed for your special day tomorrow. :-) Hugs!

  9. Your are in my thoughts and prayers. Praying that you will find a surgeon...Hugs! Leah Ann

  10. Jennifer just wants to stop by and say. I hope the Hop goes well I will try my very best to join in my friend!! I am sorry to hear the news about your surgeon but you know they say it happens for a reason so I guess the one you will find soon is even better than the first!!!!!! Sending warm happy thoughts and cheerful fill hugs me xx

  11. I am so sorry to hear this and quite honestly, find it rude and unkind that any medical person would NOT take the time to fully inform you on their choices and why they feel how they do!

    I'm with you and also would NOT have taken the Steriods again, esepcially since you have already tried that without any results. I personally don't care for how they make me feel and hope you never have to use them.

    Bless for heart for finding a new doctor or at the very least a second opinion. I'm angry at how you were treated by this doctor and feel it was WRONG!

    Big Hugs...and I pray you end up with a much better opinion the next time, just sorry that you have this to deal with now too!

    Grrrrrrrrrrrr! Not fair...not fair at ALL!!



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