
Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Happy for my Hunny Bunny

Coffee of the Day - Coconut Macadamia

Happy happy birthday to my most amazing hubby! in the cyberworld I call him my hunny bunny, so it just seemed appropriate that he get a happy hunny bunny card for his birthday. yep, y'all know I'm weird like that! grins! I was supposed to be part of a blog hop today, but never heard back from the person in charge after several emails. so y'all get the card anyhow - just have to hop like a bunny on your own! imagine we are in a lovely conga line with that unique song playing in the bg..... hop, hop, hop!!!

The cutey rabbit is from Jellypark. papers are Basic Grey PB&J. bg was embossed with a Tim Holtz woodgrain folder. buttons are vintage and belt loop comes from one of the boys' pair of shorts. other elements are from a Freckled Fawn 'Oh Deer Me' Kit of the Month. these are quite addicting, and always fun to get! different shops from Etsy are included in the kits each month. I've only done several of them, but have enjoyed the variety of goodies. hope to be able to collect more as time goes along. the 'happy' text comes from an alphabet by Deliteful.

Received the news yesterday that I have several tears in my left shoulder tendons. can't for the life of me figure out how that happened, but am in the process of getting appts. with an orhopedic surgeon. Need to get it fixed before I can start radiation treatments. always something to keep life interesting! :) enjoy your weekend!

Whimsy Inspirations - lots of layers
Gem of a Challenge - animals or teddies
Delightful Challenges - dies & punches
Frosted Designs - twine/ribbon
Crafty Catz - animals
Totally Paper Crafts - inspired by a song ("Bunny Hop" or "Happy Birthday" song!)
Simon Says Stamp - animal antics
Craft Your Days Away - anything goes
Do You Stack Up - buttons
Paper Crafting Journey - birthday/celebration
Papelitos Stamps - celebrations
Paper Play Challenges - upcycle/recycle (belt loop & buttons)
Little Red Wagon - animal
My Mum's Craft Shop - kraft
Just Some Lines - layer it up
Flourishes - kraft
Critter Sketch - use a digi
Great Impressions - animal
Stampin Sisters in Christ - a card that says 'home' to you (woodgrain of bg for our wood floors, bunny reminds me of the ones that hop along in my back yard, flower for the ones that grow in my yard, vintage buttons for my 150 year old house & our antiques, belt loop for my sons of course, but most especially since this card is for hubby - wherever he is - that is home to me!! gosh, I love that man!!!)


  1. Cute, cute cute - this cards just shouts out loud - cute and happy!
    Liva ❤

  2. I AM blog hopping on my own today!! LOL! It's been awhile since I've spent my Saturday a.m. with a cuppa strolling through friends' creative minds... but when I do, you are always one of my first stops. I LOVE this card, Jennifer! And I love reading your posts... you share so much love & joy (sounds corny but there's just no other way to put it). You are a blessing.

    Off to catch up some more ;) . HUGS!

  3. Fabulous card hunny so great to see you having a happy hoppy kinda day! I am sure your hunny bunny will love this card! hugs me xx

  4. Love the card, hope your hubby has a happy birthday. Man, you can't catch a break can you, bless your heart so sorry about your shoulder. Take care of yourself and have a good weekend. Blessings!!

  5. Glad your neck problem was nothing more sinister Jennifer but hope your tendons heal quickly so you can get on with your radiation treatments.
    Hope you're feeling ok & nice to see this wonderful card - Happy Birthday to your hubby & how lucky is he to receive it! (& to have you of course :D)
    Thinking of you always.
    Big hugs

  6. wow gorgeous creation thanks for joining us at MMCS hugs Jill xx

  7. The embossing looks wonderful. Great card! Thanks for joining us a Little Red Wagon.

  8. Fabulous card. Such a sweet image. Thanks for joining us at Do You Stack Up.


  9. Oh wow! Love all the different fibers and textures you used on your project! Thanks for playing with us
    at Great Impressions Stamps!

    Today's the last to leave us a comment here:

    for a chance to win our stamps :)

  10. Aw, Jennifer, this is such a sweet tribute to your hubby! Love all the elements you combined with your "hunny bunny"! :^) Please wish him a Happy Birthday from me!
    Regarding your shoulder: I am sorry to hear that you need it repaired! Best to get it done and over with, so you can continue on with your recovery! Pulling for you big time!
    Giant hugs,

  11. What a fun happy lil bunny. I do love the cross-stitched sentiment. Thanks for playing along with us at DYSU.

  12. Your card makes me happy! love how there are parts of your life in your creations! Have a wonderful day! Praying your shoulder heals up well!

  13. Jennifer,
    So glad that it is pulled tendons...and not anything more sinister! I adore your card and of course that cute "hunny bunny"! Happy birthday to your hubby; I hope you had a wonderful day together!
    PS Thanks for playing with Critter Sketch too!

  14. Happy, happy birthday to your hunny bunny Jen! :-) I love this little bunny. He's just perfect to send your birthday wishes.
    We'll just say that you got those tears from all the love that's been heaped on you the last several months. :-) Hugs to ya sweetie!

  15. Fabulous card. I love this little bunny and all the different elements you used. Thanks for playing with us at PCJ and good luck. Hugs, Gale

  16. Fab and fun! Hope your own hunny bunny had a happy birthday! =) Thanks for joining us for the Happy Birthday/Celebrations challenge at Paper-Crafting Journey! ~Christy

  17. Fun card, love the recycled short loop idea! Thank you for playing along with us @ Delightful Challenges :)

  18. What a cutie. I am sure your hunny bunny will love it. Thank you for sharing it with us at Craft Your Day's Away and good luck.


  19. Cute card, love all the special little elements on the card. Sorry to hear about your torn tendons, must be so painful. Thinking of you. Hugs lin

  20. Tears (plural!) in your left shoulder? Say it isn't so, Jen!

    What the what? Please let us know what the surgeon says! I'm sure you know I've got a ton of advice on that front!

    Oh you poor thing! I can't imagine this on top of everything else you're going through.

    Hugs to you, my friend! :)

  21. Adorable card - happy birthday to your hubby! Always thinking of you. Sending you a hug. Thanks for joining us at Just Some Lines. :) xoxo

  22. What a great birthday card for your dh. It is cute and masculine at the same time! Thank you for joining us for the Twine/Ribbon Challenge at Frosted Designs. Beverly

  23. Cute! Love all the fun details! Thanks for joining us at DYSU.

  24. What a beautiful happy card you have made! Thanks for playing with us at Whimsy Stamps, hugs, Kelly x

  25. What an adorable card!!! Love the little bunny ~ reminds me of a bunny named Owen in a Kevin Henke children's book!!

    Thanks for joining us this week at Frosted Designs!

  26. such a cute card! Thanks for playing along with us at Totally Papercrafts! Kim x

  27. aah cute.... thanks for playing along with CRAFTY CATZ and TPC this week, x carol

  28. Cute card and thanks for sharing at CRAFTY CATZ with our animal theme

  29. Great card! Thanks for joining us at DYSU!

  30. back again, but with another dt hat on! it's a fantastic card and thanks for joining us this week at CraftyCatz. Kim x

  31. Fantastic card for your hubby.
    Love your layout.
    Thanks for joining Craft Your Days Away.
    Hugs Berit

  32. Belated Happy Birthday Wishes to your hubby!! And another thing that you and I have in common, as August 18th is not only also my Hubby's birthday, but mine too! That's three of all who all celebrate a birthday on the very same day!!

    Hubby is three years older, but we share the exact birthday and now we know someone else who dies too!!

    What a small world!!

    Hugs and Happy thoughts....

    PS; Sorry to hear about your shoulder and the idea of surgery I'm sure is NOT fun...! Sounds like you are done with Chemo and hope that's a good thing!!

  33. A gorgeous card Jennifer, love the cute image and design. Thanks for joining us at AGOAC.

    Donna x

  34. this is such a cute card-thank you for joining with us at the Great Impressions Stamps animal challenge-prayers coming yourway for the tears in your shoulder


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