
Friday, June 1, 2012

Some Great and not so great news....

Coffee of the Day - Pumpkin Spice (because I really needed my fave comfort coffee right now)

oh the days they are full of changes....some so bittersweet, some that just make you sit back and pause. but never for one moment do I feel alone or bitter. for that I am so thankful.

Tonight we go to Ryan's baccalaureate service. He is one of the speakers. Tomorrow is his high school graduation. I couldn't be more proud of my 3 sons. Tyler received his letter in the mail a few days ago announcing that he has once again made the Dean's List. Mick is dating one of the most wonderful young women I have ever had the chance to know who will some day join our family. These children God entrusts to us grow up oh, so quickly. I sit here with tears streaming down my face as I think of the journeys we have been through together, the laughter we have shared. and I have been so blessed to be called their mother. more than I could ever deserve.

and yesterday I had to tell them that I have found another would seem that the cancer is spreading in the midst of the chemo. I have an appt. with my surgeon on Monday so that all of the chaos can begin once again. Just a few days ago I was thinking that I was getting close to being done with chemo. Had another bad reaction to the treatment while I was there and we were saying it was a good thing I was almost done. Instead my family is numb....we just don't know how to react other than to bind together as God has so often told us to do.

so this mom asks you to pray, not for herself, but for her family. for that is what is most precious in all this world to me. I will be fine, whatever the outcome. of that I am most certain. my hope lies in God and His promises to never leave us or forsake us, even when life seems the most desolate. but oh, how I ache for my husband and children. so if you could please say a prayer for them, I would be so very thankful to you.


  1. Prayers going out to you and your family. First time here (the title caught my eye). You are truly an inspiration

  2. Hang in there! I cannot imagine how tough this is, but you are so right, God will watch out for you and your family in the ways we don't understand. Prayers are coming every day for ALL of you.

  3. Your family remains in my prayers.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear of this, will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Hugs lin

  5. Your strength and faith through these past months have given all who cross your path, be it personally or via blog posts, incredible insight into the difference knowing we have a loving Heavenly Father who is with us every step of our journey makes. Adding my prayers for you and your sweet family.

  6. Oh Jennifer, I hurt for all of you. You and your family are in my prayers.

  7. Dear and your family are continually in my prayers! May your family trust in the Lord Jesus Christ as you do and rest in His loving arms.

  8. I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear that you are going to be going through it all again. You and your family will be in my prayers for sure. Hang Tough!

  10. You and your family will be included in my prayer circle. God be with you.


  11. Congrats to your son on his graduation.

    I think of you every day and your family is continually in my prayers.

  12. Jennifer, I am crying along with you & praying for you & your family! You are such an amazing woman & I am so lucky to have met you through TCC. You have enriched my life. Be strong my friend, be strong!

  13. Jennifer: Adding my prayers for you and your family. Keep looking up, no matter what, we KNOW that God has a plan and purpose. But, it's hard to go through sometimes. God bless you and your family today and always.

  14. I can't find the words to tell you how sorry I am to hear this news. I do so admire your strength and grace. Going thru it all once was just about more than I could withstand. You & your family are in my prayers.

  15. Jen I am praying for you and your family at this time. I am a Breast Cancer survivor who had three young children at the time I was diagnosed (15, 12, and 9). Like you my thoughts were for them and my husband. Five years have passed and I thank God every day for giving me the opportunity to be with these children as they grow up! You will be in my thoughts and prayers. If you would like to talk you can send me an email at!

  16. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers and in my prayer circle. Thank you for sharing your strength.

  17. Stay strong in your faith sweetie. I'll continue to remember you in prayer--and your sweet family too. Big hugs!

  18. Oh Jen, it broke my heart to read this update. :( Sending you and your family all of my love and hugs. xoxo

  19. You and the family will be in continued prayers. So sorry for all you are going thru- Big {HUGS}. Congrats to your kids!

  20. Sending you hugs and love and saying for you many prayers.

  21. Oh sweetie, many prayers going on to you and your family hun!! So sorry for being a bit so much going on at home during this time. Your photo is so inspiring here and very pretty! Take care hun!! HUGS

  22. I think I would feel the same way, Jen. Praying for your precious sons and hubby, and you too. And so thankful for all the good news your sons have enjoyed in their lives as well. :) {{{hugs}}}

  23. I will pray for you and your family Jen, you're a strong woman and you're so lovely. Stay strong and may God bless you always.

  24. I will be thinking of and praying for you and your family as you await your next appointment and the treatment ahead. xx

  25. So sorry to read your latest update, sending prayers for you and your family.
    God Bless

  26. Hi Jen! Well I've been away for a few months and came to your blog on the weekend to see your beautiful cards! I couldn't believe my eyes and have been keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers! I'm so inspired by your positive outlook and your openess to share with all of us - you are teaching me more than you could ever imagine!
    You must be thrilled to have all your boys home!
    Take Care.

  27. Children are a treasure from the Lord are blessed with treasures!
    Keeping you and family in prayer ...can't really imagine what this is like for you and family ...except overwhelmingly hard! Thankfully we know our Lord has this in his plans ...and his plans are for good!
    Sending you a cyber hug,

  28. Oh Hun.....My heart breaks to hear this news, but I will continue to pray for YOU and your hubby and boys. I know we have often talked about hwo much we ADORE our sons, and how special it is to be a Mom to BOYS!!

    I know that they LOVE you so much and they will be there by your side. I am still praying for you to win this battle and HOPE with all my heart that once they remove this lump, it will be the LAST one!!

    It's just NOT fair for you to go through this and I know how much it must upset YOU to see you family hurting.....and that's all LOVE!! LOVE is so endearing and I know you are LOVED so much!!

    Hugs my friend!
    and my love,


Thanks for leaving your comment! I sure do appreciate your kindness and most of all, YOU! :)