
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Disney Movies & Toenails

Coffee of the Day - Toasted Almond

Happy day to all of you! it is the most absolutely beautiful day here! :)

I have been sitting at my computer, which is right in front of my front porch window. There is a pair of robins who have taken over the nest that sits on the beams of our porch. They are so busy getting ready for their family to grow, darting here and there, and serenading me with their lovely songs as they work. Other bird friends pop by to say their 'hellos' as well as chippies and squirrels. it's just like a little Disney movie coming to life right outside my window! what fun! :) or who knows, maybe I'm just delusional these days..... grins! but I prefer to think of it as a happy reminder of the joy that can be found everywhere if we just stop to look.

So many of you have left such wonderful messages of love and support. You can't even begin to know how much these mean to me and my family! thank you! your beautiful cards sit in a basket right by the front door so everyone can look through them. I haven't been able to thank all of you individually, but know that each and every card has brought a smile to my heart, as well as to every person in my family. :)

I have spent countless hours on the phone with my insurance company, and they have agreed to approve my upcoming tests and treatments. We do have out-of-pocket expenses that will be more than I even want to think about, but at least they are stepping up as long as all of my treatments take place in 2012. so I've been busy getting as many appts. scheduled as I possibly can to get things moving along. next week is going to be VERY busy with tests and chemo starting.

It's funny, surgery didn't bother me. in fact the night before I was more concerned about making sure my toe nails were painted. I didn't dare go to the hospital with gnarly toenails! ;) and yes, the nurses DID comment on the pretty color! tee hee! but this chemo thing scares the doo-wops outta me. I'm going to have most of my hair cut off this weekend to get ready for the hair loss. my dr. told me that it will be falling out. That's not such a big deal, but chemo - gosh. you KNOW you have cancer then. there is no mistaking it. and even when your dr. gives you the survival percentages, it's never 100%. the tests next week will let us know how far it's spread. well, they are the first step. it's that whole 'Triple Negative' thing......

yep, I'm walking with God. but right now I'm on tippy toe. on my pretty painted toe nails.... sure glad He has a firm grip on my hand.


  1. Oh, that sounds like the best seat in the house. I would love to have birds here serenading me. :)
    I'm so glad you were able to work something out with the insurance company. You are being looked out for.
    I know what you mean about the chemo, it just about killed me when I learned my baby girl would be having her very first chemo treatment at 1 week old. It was scary, but she came through with flying colors. I will be praying for you and your family. Hugs!

  2. Jennifer you're in my prayers! I know it is a difficult thing and I pray that you'll continue to look to Jesus for your strength. I love how you have a sense of humor, it's good to be able to laugh. Even though I know I'd hate to loose my hair, a bald friend of mine said don't worry it's all vanity anyway! I try to remember that whenever I struggle with a bad hair day.
    Praying you'll see the sunshine through the clouds and feel the Lord's strong grip on your hand each day!

  3. You are one amazing lady! I love that you are maintaining your sense of humor through all of this! As I'm typing this message I too am listening to birds but it is the cute little quails yelling at me cuz the feeder is empty! They are very annoyed. Continue to have a firm grip on God's hand as you walk your journey!

  4. I think fear is the most human of emotions right now but just think, you have someone who is so much better than us lil humans watching you back!

    Lisa xox

  5. So glad to hear your insurance company have stepped up to the mark. Over here we are so lucky to have the NHS that we dont have to worry about anything like that and just take it all for granted. Hope all things go well for you and maybe you can get nice bright and funky wig to match your toenails lol!!!!
    Take Care,
    Lyndsey xx

  6. My dear friend how I wish I could sip some coffee with you, listen to those birds and hold your hand too x
    I love Lyndsey's suggestion of a funky wig - I know you could pull that look off with true class !
    Know that you are thought of daily and that you are ever in our prayers you are the best and strongest of super women and you can and will get through this x
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo

  7. Jennifer, Sorry to hear of your troubles. You have a wonderful attitude. My thoughts are with you.

  8. Sounds like a lovely view, Sweetie! Happy to hear that your insurancee company saw the light. Our thoughts are all with you cheering you on. What color are your toes? xxD

  9. Glad you are making headway with the insurance. You are in my thoughts every day. I love the comment about your toenails, so happy and inspired that you are keeping your sense of humor.

  10. Onwards and upwards and take each day at a time (and write lists)

    Thinking of you!

  11. Just stopping by to tell you I'm thinking of you and sending you love! :) xoxo

  12. Love ya Jennifer, will be thinking about you this week (as I always am). Try & keep your wonderful sense of humor & you will get through it (easier said than done I know). Just think about getting out the other end & how much we're all thinking about you & sending you love.
    Take care sweetie.


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