
Monday, January 23, 2012


Coffee of the Day - Coconut Macadamia

Oh Lawsy, the seizures are back in a mighty fierce way, so crafting will be pretty sporadic for a bit. I'll post as I can and as I'm able. I've broken 2 of my poor little toesies, bruised up my legs in a sad way, and have terrible sores all over my wonked out head. not a fun way to pass the day, I can tell you...... but the GOOD news is that I have the prettiest pink Duck tape to tape up my toes so I am stylin' in the most fashionable way possible! ;) oh yeah, I'm cool! tee hee!

I've also left almost all of my DTs, as these people deserve my best - something I just can't give anyone these days, not even my family. Plus, I'm pretty dismayed with the behaviour of some people in craftland, and it's best for me to just step away from it all for a while. nice really does matter - plain and simple. I don't have a cut-throat attitude in me and have a hard time coping with those that do. I'm sure it comes from the years and years of abuse I've lived through..... makes me way toooooo sensitive to all of that. and I'm sure that is what is leading to the seizures going gangbusters.

anyway, I'll be around as I can. y'all take care and know you are truly loved! :)


  1. Ah Jennifer, I'm sorry you are going through so much! But take whatever down time you need, it's important to take care of YOU.

  2. So sorry to hear about what you are going through, Jennifer, and sorry you have to give up your crafting for now. We will miss you, but the most important thing is to take care of yourself right now. Be well.

  3. O angel I wish I could come and give you a big squeeze hun :(
    You must do the right thing for YOU and if there is anything that I can do please just shout x
    I will be thinking of you xx
    ((hugs)) ((and some more))
    Suzie xoxo

  4. Jennifer, I don't know what all is involved in your condition, but know that you are in my thoughts and prayers! You are wise to step down to give yourself space to recover. One thing I love about your cards is that you share a piece of yourself each time. May you always enjoy crafting for the love of it and never for alterior motives! Hugs!

  5. If they don't understand then they don't deserve you. You are a very sweet person. Hope to see you at the Crafters Cafe. Edwina Brown

  6. Sweetie I am so sorry to hear this! and oh your poor tootsies - ooooouch!
    I don't like the pettiness I sometimes see among us crafters. I wish it wasn't like that. You just do what you have to do to take care of YOU. And once this passes things will be that much brighter around here with you back! :)

  7. Jennifer - I'm so sorry you are having such a tough time right now!! I am praying that the Lord will heal you and allow you time and energy to get back to the crafting you love!! Big Gentle Hugs!!

  8. Oh I thought we had you on the mend sweetie. :-( So sorry you've been having such a tough time of it both health wise and the other issues you mentioned. Having the cyberworld to share our love of crafting in is such a blessing and it's a shame when some ugliness creeps in there and messes things up.
    You keep your chin up and know you are well missed. I'm looking forward to lots more inspiration from you girlie! :-)
    Thoughts and prayers to your poor head and broken toesies. :-) Huge hugs!

  9. Jennifer,
    So sorry to hear what you are going through. I will keep you in my thoughts and hope for a speedy recovery.

  10. Oh my goodness...that is allot going on for you right now. I am so glad that you are okay! I know those sweet boys of yours are taking good care of you, but You know I am here if there is anything I can do! Get better fast so we can see more of those adorable crads of yours!

    ♥ Lots of love ♥ Tammy


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