
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Just a few things......

Coffee of the Day - Gingerbread

Hello! no card today, but a few other things I wanted to share on a personal note.

Our youngest son knows the kindness of so many of you, so he has asked me to let you know about a fundraiser the music program in our school district is currently running. it can be accessed online, so I am posting info here for any of you who might be interested in participating. music is so important to our family. I applaud his enthusiasm, not in wanting to earn prizes for himself, because I don't think internet orders count toward any, but because the music program means that much to him. go to and enter group id # 3253. you can order from there if you would like. if you would like my son's info to enter that as well, you may email me. thank you so much! :)

now on to something else that has happened that I simply MUST mention ~ if you come to my blog very often you know that my faith is very important to me. I don't scream about it nor do I try to preach from a pulpit. that is not who I am. I try not to be a finger shaking Christian because honestly, that is a big turn off to me, and I'm already God's child..... on 2 separate ocassions this week God has used people to show His love for my family in some most amazing ways. both completely unexpected, both done with purity and His quiet gentleness, but both completely blew the socks off of my husband and I because we saw these acts for what they were. people - God loves you. He cares for the most small details of your life. don't ever get caught up in the lie that He is too busy to care. He used everyday ordinary people to do some very extra-ordinary things for us. and they may not even know just how much those acts touched us. but we immediately said prayers for thanksgiving. and I am thanking these beautiful people right now, right here for their generosity of spirit.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it just amazing when God uses people to bless us!! I had that happen to me yesterday! My shoe broke at church yesterday and in the afternoon someone shows up at my house with a new pair of shoes!!


Thanks for leaving your comment! I sure do appreciate your kindness and most of all, YOU! :)