
Sunday, July 10, 2011

Cool Beans!

Coffee of the Day - Creme Brulee

no card for right now 'cause I have been busy behind the scenes. boy howdy, you are gonna start getting slammed on Mondays with 3 posts a day - just warning you ahead of time! ;) you are going to need a majorly big cup o' joe before you settle in for a visit, but hopefully it will be worth it.

anyway, I just found out that my Patriotic Butterfly appeared over at Craft Crave this past week. I was pretty excited! if you search for 'Magical Monday sketch' it will pop right up on your screen! :)

to be honest, I am feeling a bit melancholy today. I miss my precious family after having them home for a short while this weekend. most times I am okay when they return to Camp, but this time it has really been hard for me when they left. my heart just feels empty. so I think I am going to spend my day crafting & listening to music. and praying - lots & lots of praying. they are right where God wants them to be. and that brings me great comfort & peace.

love to you all! Jennifer


  1. Sending hugs! I know how you feel especially when you want to be with them but can't. Have fun crafting and listening to music.

  2. yep. you just relax and enjoy and enjoy that praying. it's the best relaxation there is!!!

    never heard of the CRAFT CRAVE will be checking it out!

    hugs :)

  3. Aw bless you Jennifer! You know what they say. You can't enjoy the sunshine unless you've felt the rain. Today's your rainy day. Hope the sun comes out for you again soon x

  4. O hun wish I was there to share a coffee with you and give you a big warm hug x
    Hope your spirits lift soon sweetie x
    ((hugs)) Suzie xoxo


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