
Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Wonderful Award!

A huge thank you to Lisa for kindly gifting me with this fun award! what a surprise! I had the honor of being on the A Day for Daisies DT with her. if you get the chance to stop by her blog, Land of EnCRAFTment, to check out her wonderful creations!

As a requirement of receiving the award, I need to do the following:
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this
2. Share 8 things about yourself
3. Pay it forward to 8 bloggers that you have recently discovered
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their awards.

So here are 8 things you might not know about me after all this time ~

1. I have a tattoo - a heart with a cross inside on my ankle
2. I am a big fan of The Big Bang Theory. we watch it every single week and have it on DVD, too. :) just call me a big geek!
3. also like to watch UFC. GSP is one of my faves. yep, it shocks most people to know I am a fan of the octagon!
4. Pink is my fave color in crafting. you will find it on almost every single project I make.
5. I'm the rare person who is not a chocoholic, unless you count white choco. I would much rather have a fruit type dessert or cheesecake. strange, I know.
6. I absolutely positively MUST read every day. this comes before crafting as a priority.
7. I also need to have trees and wildlife around me. I just love nature!
8. My all time fave movie ever is Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

now for the people I would like to pass this award along to: (yes, I went over 8 and not all of them are new to me......)

1. Holly -
2. Maria -
3. Darlene -
4. Stef -
5. Heather -
6. Nancy -
7. Roxie -
8. Michele -
9. Tracy -
10. Lisa -


  1. Thanks for the award. :) I love your blog's new Christmasy look- so cute!

  2. Thanks so much sweetie!! Happy Holidays to you & yours!!

  3. jennifer! how are you!!!!! so good to see you and i am just thrilled that you share this award with me. thank you soooooooo much.

    i also see we have a few things in common - like... i LOVE big bang theory and i, too, am not a fan of chocolate - well candy anyway. i'd rather have my cake! lol.

    and i'll bet your tattoo is stunning. i have 2 - on on my ankle (dogwood flower) and one on my right forearm (shooting star).

    anyway, it is so good to see you and again i thank you.

    wishing you & yours a truly blessed holiday season.

    hugs & smiles

  4. Thnanks for the award who can I pass it on to!
    I like your Christmas background too, nice job with the blog!

  5. Congrats on your award Jennifer!!!

    Thank you for always make me smile!!
    I haven't seen you around blogland too much, hope all is well!
    Take care
    hugs & blessings!


Thanks for leaving your comment! I sure do appreciate your kindness and most of all, YOU! :)