
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sew, What's New?

Coffee of the Day - Maple Vanilla

I have been wanting to make a card for a special friend I have kinda sorta lost contact with for a while now, and today seemed like the day to do it! We used to do all kinds of things together when our kids were in youth group together, we were at church together, and so on. but then they moved to a different church, she ended up getting divorced, her daughter graduated from HS and her son moves in different circles than mine, and you know - just life. but we still run into each other at the library from time to time, and well, gosh darn it, I miss her! so I thought I would send her a little note to say, "wassssup?"

She loves to sew and has a talent like not many others. So I thought I would combine this cute image, "Button Flower Pot," by Cheryl Alger at Squigglefly with this fun quitling bee vintage photo and some neat Cosmo Cricket Material Girl papers. I have long been wanting to try my hand at making one of these neat tissue paper punched flowers, but thought using some vintage dress pattern pieces would be fun to keep the theme going. oh yes, I will be doing this LOTS more often! :) the photo was sprayed with walnut gold glimmer mist and then sponged with caramle ink to help age it more. I actually added my own little bits of thread and twine on the digi image - yep, pick yourselves up off of the floor, it is as close to sewing as I have come in a lonnnnnnnnnnnnng time. ;)

Mick starts his lab job today at Bowling Green, and Ryan has play auditions this afternoon. He is using the monologue from Monty Python's Holy Grail, holy hand grenade scene...... oh my, he should do very well. tee hee! he is most certainly his father's son! :)

Have a great one!


  1. Very sweet Jennifer, and very creative to use pattern tissue for your flower! I like how you used real thread on the flower image and you even remembered the one that has fallen off AND had the thread untied so it looks like that's why it fell! Great job! I hope this encourages your friend to keep in touch more often.

  2. Great use of punches. Great make. Thanks for joining us at Gingersnaps.


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