
Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm dreaming of a lovely pink kitchen.....

Coffee of the Day - Caramel Frap (hubby brought me a Starbuck's - what a sweetie!)

Happy Pink Saturday to you! Isn't it beautiful?! I really do look forward to Pink Saturdays all week long, as I have mentioned many times before.

Unfortunately this week I have been plagued with my seizures and some other ickies, so crafting did not get done..... sorry. I had great intentions, but just wasn't able to follow through as I needed to spend as much time in bed as possible. I haven't had a chance to leave comments from last week either, but have saved all of your info if you stopped by & will be around as soon as I'm able to say hello. I do so appreciate your kind words ! thank you! :)

So this week I browsed a few of my favorite sites and came across some beautiful pink inspiration for you today. never fails to bring a smile to my soul. my shabby chic/vintage heart just soars as I browse the pages and see so many pretties. I thought I would share one of my faves with you today - my dream kitchen. I know that no reality exists that would ever allow my guys to give me a pink kitchen. David asked me to go to Home Depot a month or so ago and bring home a few paint colors that I might like for the kitchen cabinets. I was a bit sassy and only brought home pinks - every range imaginable. you should have seen the look of horror on his face! :) tee hee hee! I can be soooooooooo bad sometimes!

give yourself a moment to dream of your perfect little pink getaway....... and who knows? maybe one day it will be yours! dreams CAN come true! :)


  1. Lovely post. Hope you are better soon. Have a great day.

  2. A pink kitchen! LOL! No self respecting man would enter one!
    Sorry to hear you have had a bad week..hope you are feeling better soon, we're missing you in blogland! Viv xx

  3. Jennifer, what a lovely picture!!
    I really hope you are feeling better by now!!

  4. Thank you, Jen. I have just loved reading your blog! I've been smiling for the last 10 minutes!

  5. I would love a pink kitchen but well, there's hubby! I hope you feel better soon!

    Happy PS,

  6. What a lovely photo!!

    Hope you will be feeling better soon!


  7. Kitchens were pink in the 50s! How did they get away with that? I guess the guys were just so happy to be home from war and around women they just allowed whatever! Happy Pink Saturday!


Thanks for leaving your comment! I sure do appreciate your kindness and most of all, YOU! :)