
Thursday, August 27, 2009

2 very belated awards....

I received this award from Sara a while back but just didn't get a chance to post it, as it was when I was feeling pretty yucky then. So here I am sharing it with all of you now! Thank you so much, Sara! I am truly honored to have received this from you!

#1 by accepting this award, you recognize that the giver likes your style.
#2 you agree to display this award proudly and include posting back to the giver.
#3 you can share this with as many people as you like, as long as you "like their style."

So I am going to pass this along to:

my fellow and former Angel's Landing DT members. We had a great time for this season! Thank you for sharing your creativity with me and the many faithful readers! and thank you to Judi of Angel's Landing for blessing me with this wonderful opportunity! I am still going to be crafting with these cute little critters, because they really do make me so happy! love ya ladies! <3

and then this award came from Paula about the same time. Thank you so much, Paula! Please forgive my tardiness.

The rules of this award -

*cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog
*nominate 5 to 10 blogs you feel show attitude and gratitude
*link to your nominees with your blog post
*comment on their blogs to let them know they received the award
*link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation

I am choosing to nominate the following blogs:
All of my new fellow Sewn Together Design Team members! You can find them listed on my right side bar ------> Please be sure to visit their amazing blogs! They are so talented!
Thank you again for these great awards! I love them both! :)


  1. wow! this is so nice of you!!! Thank you!!! and I really hope you are feeling well!!

  2. Jennifer, thank you for your wonderful comments. I've enjoyed getting to know you over the spring and summer. You have been supportive of Angels Landing from the earliest days, and I am so glad you were a member of my first DT.

  3. You are so very sweet, Jennifer!! Thank you for this beautiful award! I will display it proudly on my blog and each time I see it, I will think of you with a smile and a prayer!

  4. Awwww Jennifer Thank you hun sooo much that is very very sweet of you!!! I too have enjoyed working with you as well :)!!! Im glad we had the chance to design together on the Angels Landing DT!! Thank you again:) Hugs to you!!!

  5. Thanks so much for the Lemonaid stand award Jennifer! I'll display it proudly on my blog. It's going to be so much fun being DT buddies for Sewn together!

  6. Jennifer, thanks so much for the lemonade stand award! Sorry it has taken me so long to see it. It's my first blog award, so I'm really excited to receive it! Thanks again.

  7. awww thank ya Jennifer!! That's very sweet of you!!!!! I seen the pumpkin latte tonight when I took my son to get his Vanilla Bean Frappucino and thought about ya! :O)


Thanks for leaving your comment! I sure do appreciate your kindness and most of all, YOU! :)